Right Working Romantic Related Learning Friendly Healthy Legal Inspirational Unfiltered
Untouched and raw stories: unedited, uncensored, unformatted, and sometimes unbelievable!

Unfiltered Story #243040

, , | Unfiltered | September 3, 2021

(I’m visiting my sister and brother-in-law. It’s late at night, and BiL is lying on the couch, clearly on his way to falling asleep, so my sister calls it a night and goes over to her husband.)
Sister: Okay, time for you to get to bed.
(She grabs his hand and goes to heave him up, even saying “heave” as she does so, when he just pulls her down on top of him and wraps her up in a hug.)
Sister (with her feet more in the air than on the floor): Heave!
(Cue me dying of laughter across the room. They are the funniest people and the cutest couple.)

Unfiltered Story #243038

, , , | Unfiltered | September 3, 2021

I’m at the groceries store, trying to compairs some products, in deep. Right beside me there’s someone giving peanut butter sample. All is fine until I can’t help me hear this.

Sample person: Would you like to try our peanut butter?
Customer: Does this contain peanuts? Because I’m alergic to peanuts.

I’m already twitching, because unnecessary repetitions is a big pet peeve of mine. I have no patience for idiots talking in circles neither.

Sample person: Madame, this is PEANUTS butter.
Customer: Yes, but does this contain peanuts? Because I’m alergic to peanuts.

They repeat that exact same conversation at least 3more time with the poor employee trying to enphase “peanut” expecting she understand, which clearly she won’t.

I can’t take it any longer.

Me to the sample person: Hey, if you don’t tell her it’s “Yes” already, I’m telling her it’s a “No”.

He did and it stopped there, thankfully.

Unfiltered Story #243035

, , , | Unfiltered | September 3, 2021

I’m at my life long friend place’s near the Holidays season. She is showing me the gift she bought for her sister. A Japanese lunch box (bento~) and I think this one is just too adorable and also have a perfectly practical design.

Me: It’s just perfect, I’m sure *her sister* will love it! I think it make for a great gift, as it’s both pretty and usefull.
Friend: Awww, thanks!
Me: And, personally, I can only approve your good choice as I have always wanted one.
Friend: Oh… but I would never give you that.

I heard my heart break.

Me: Ah? Why?

I’m a little sad because I just said that’s something I actually wanted, for a long time. Yet, I’m waiting for a fair explanation like” it’s too expensive(I know some can be very expensive)” or ” since we grew up, we mostly keep the gifts thing to familly you know…” or whatever in theses lines. But. No.

Friend, like it’s obvious: You don’t need it.

I’m taken aback by that statement.

Me: Well, sure, I work from home, it would not be a daily used item. But, at the occasion I go out and have to bring a lunch too, might it be related to work or not.

Friend: No, you don’t need it. It’s like *common knowledge* who work in a restaurant now, she don’t need it, so I would never get her that too. You knew about that, right?

And…that’s how she changed the subject, to never come back to it. I might had sound like it, but I never expected her to buy me anything from the beginning. I’m just confused as to why I can’t get one? Because I won’t use it enough to her taste? Or why I should not get something I wished for, to favor giving me, a cup, while it’s no secret my cupboard already overflow with cups?(Yes, that’s what happened in the end).

Unfiltered Story #243033

, , | Unfiltered | September 2, 2021

Students – Let’s do the marker challenge!
Me – What’s the marker challenge?
Students – It’s when you grab a bunch of markers and try to write with them all at once
Me – Oh? Back in my day we just called that being kids. I didn’t know we were doing that challenge already!
Students look disappointed. I haven’t seen the “marker challenge” in my classroom since. Sorry kids, I didn’t mean to make it not fun for you anymore.

Unfiltered Story #243031

, , , | Unfiltered | September 2, 2021

I work at an airport and like most places we have family restrooms along with the regular male and female restrooms. Also like most places, we get entitled passengers/guests.
A older lady came up to the family restroom with 3 toddlers only to find the door locked. She made moved back so whoever was in there would have a decent amount to go by.
Eventually the door opened to reveal an older lady and 3 teenagers. 2 boys and 1 girl. As soon as the mother of the teenagers saw the mother and toddlers, she starting yelling.
Mother of teens “ You need to move back, I don’t want your kids touching mine!”
The mother of the toddlers yelled back “You and your kids should have never been in the family restroom. What made you think it’s right to be in the restroom with your two sons.”
Mother of teens ignored the other mother and just pushed past all the people their yelling had brought over. I wish I was allowed to say/do something to the passengers who do wrong.
I did mention it to our security, who said they would keep an eye on the mother and her teenagers. I feel for those poor boys and wonder what their parents have been telling them.