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Unfiltered Story #243035

, , , | Unfiltered | September 3, 2021

I’m at my life long friend place’s near the Holidays season. She is showing me the gift she bought for her sister. A Japanese lunch box (bento~) and I think this one is just too adorable and also have a perfectly practical design.

Me: It’s just perfect, I’m sure *her sister* will love it! I think it make for a great gift, as it’s both pretty and usefull.
Friend: Awww, thanks!
Me: And, personally, I can only approve your good choice as I have always wanted one.
Friend: Oh… but I would never give you that.

I heard my heart break.

Me: Ah? Why?

I’m a little sad because I just said that’s something I actually wanted, for a long time. Yet, I’m waiting for a fair explanation like” it’s too expensive(I know some can be very expensive)” or ” since we grew up, we mostly keep the gifts thing to familly you know…” or whatever in theses lines. But. No.

Friend, like it’s obvious: You don’t need it.

I’m taken aback by that statement.

Me: Well, sure, I work from home, it would not be a daily used item. But, at the occasion I go out and have to bring a lunch too, might it be related to work or not.

Friend: No, you don’t need it. It’s like *common knowledge* who work in a restaurant now, she don’t need it, so I would never get her that too. You knew about that, right?

And…that’s how she changed the subject, to never come back to it. I might had sound like it, but I never expected her to buy me anything from the beginning. I’m just confused as to why I can’t get one? Because I won’t use it enough to her taste? Or why I should not get something I wished for, to favor giving me, a cup, while it’s no secret my cupboard already overflow with cups?(Yes, that’s what happened in the end).

Question of the Week

Have you ever served a bad customer who got what they deserved?

I have a story to share!