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Unfiltered Story #243031

, , , | Unfiltered | September 2, 2021

I work at an airport and like most places we have family restrooms along with the regular male and female restrooms. Also like most places, we get entitled passengers/guests.
A older lady came up to the family restroom with 3 toddlers only to find the door locked. She made moved back so whoever was in there would have a decent amount to go by.
Eventually the door opened to reveal an older lady and 3 teenagers. 2 boys and 1 girl. As soon as the mother of the teenagers saw the mother and toddlers, she starting yelling.
Mother of teens “ You need to move back, I don’t want your kids touching mine!”
The mother of the toddlers yelled back “You and your kids should have never been in the family restroom. What made you think it’s right to be in the restroom with your two sons.”
Mother of teens ignored the other mother and just pushed past all the people their yelling had brought over. I wish I was allowed to say/do something to the passengers who do wrong.
I did mention it to our security, who said they would keep an eye on the mother and her teenagers. I feel for those poor boys and wonder what their parents have been telling them.

Question of the Week

Have you ever served a bad customer who got what they deserved?

I have a story to share!