Right Working Romantic Related Learning Friendly Healthy Legal Inspirational Unfiltered
Untouched and raw stories: unedited, uncensored, unformatted, and sometimes unbelievable!

Unfiltered Story #105419

, , , | Unfiltered | February 13, 2018

We have a 10-year-old fancy dryer. It worked well for a long time and last year the belt busted and we had it replaced. Lo and behold a year later it goes again.

We called the supplier and tell them what had happened and explained that it seemed to be the same problem and it would probably need a new belt again. However, the repairman was sent without knowledge of that information and arrived without the part. Sure enough, we did need that part so in the end they took $180 from my grandmother from two visits. We figured it was all worth it if we can get some laundry done while we wait for our new machines that we ended up buying halfway through the wait out of frustration. (Initially we thought we would keep the repaired dryer and the new set).

Except because the part is as old as the machine it breaks again after one load.

So my mom calls the call center (which was closed on the weekend) on Monday and talks to someone reading from a script. A script that boils down to “tough beans we have your money and it isn’t our responsibility to be honest with you and tell you the truth about whether or not you should have it repaired”.

She then talks to the repair company who was hired by appliance company and learns that they are payed only a portion of the amount and that the appliance people keep most of the money and if we had talked to them directly they would have advised us of the road we were headed down.

She calls back the appliance company and speaks to another person who reads from the same script. Eventually my mom moves up to the supervisor who commences by reading the same script and states quite clearly that they are unable to help us further and that they have our money and that is all that matters. They could care less that they took $180 dollars from a senior on a repair that never should have been done.

Moral of the story: There is a reason why they brag that their repair department is underused.

Unfiltered Story #105418

, , | Unfiltered | February 13, 2018

I am a 19-year-old female, working as a security officer at a large football stadium. The officer training me suggests I have a fake wedding ring on so guys will leave me alone during work as they have had problems in the past with temp workers harassing unmarried women. I don’t think much of it and just wear a cheap ring that passes for real. The ring seems to do it’s job and I don’t get bothered a lot. I’ve seen guys start walking over to me and then see the ring and just turn-around, so I get work done.

Fast-forward a few months and I have just finished patrolling the top floor during night shift when I get water on my hands from cleaning up a spill on the floor. As I’m in the elevator heading down, some night cleaners get in on the next floor down. I’m by the doors so I hit their floor number and take off my ring to dry my hands before the ring turns it green. One of the workers turns back to face the door and see me without the ring on and in a heartbeat just starts hitting on me with creepy and suggestive pickup lines.

It was beyond creepy for several reasons; he was old enough to be my father, I was only 19 and the youngest security officer, I was in the corner because of a the group with him being very close to me, and he saw me with the (fake) ring on before I took it off so he knew I was already (fake) married to someone. Thankfully some of the older night cleaners told him to knock it off and moved him away before their floor came up and told him he was going to be written up for bothering female workers again, he apparently has a problems doing this kind of thing and keeps using the race card to avoid getting fired.

I got down to the basement where the security base is and told my supervisor about this guy his only response was, ” Did you encourage him to talk to you or flirt with him?” He thought I was the one be problematic even after I told him I didn’t even know the guy, my supervisor was blaming me for the guy making suggestive comments to me and later on when I was leaving the shift told me not to flirt with coworkers again or be reprimanded.

I quit shortly after as well as other female workers, it is no surprise why that stadium has a hard time keeping workers.

Unfiltered Story #105417

, | Unfiltered | February 13, 2018

You know when your writing down something and you’re overhearing a conversation at the same time, then you wrote down something you didn’t mean to because you heard it in the conversation? Happens to me quite a bit except sometimes I’ll say something I didn’t mean to, I just saw the word and it’s added to the conversation. This was one of this hillarious mistakes.

I’m in the guard office and I reach for a magazine. To my surprise, I instead pull out a cake covered with plastic wrap on a plate.

Me: What? How?

Coworker: Oh, I’m so sorry! That’s mine, I came in and had to rush to my lesson, so I quickly put it there. Sorry.

Me: Oh that’s okay (hands it back to him)

As I’m handing it back to him, I looked down and see a magazine with an article about Kim K’s 72 day MARRIAGE. This is when my brain diverts because what I meant to say was:

Me: That’s okay, for a second I was like score! Free cake!

Instead, what I said was:

Me: That’s okay, for a second I was like score! Free marriage!

Then picked up a magazine and started to read it because I didn’t realize what I said. Meanwhile, my coworker is still holding the cake and looking at me confused. That’s when it hits me.

Me: …Did I say marriage?

Coworker: Uh, yeah.

Me: Oh no, oh no. Sorry. That’s not what I meant. I don’t want to marry you.

I had to explain to him what Jude happened to the best of my abilities. Luckily, he found it funny and wasn’t creeped out anymore.

Unfiltered Story #105416

, | Unfiltered | February 12, 2018

(I volunteer at a nature center. The staff is small and probably overworked but they don’t help things with their very poor communication. I receive a call asking if I can lead a night hike on a certain date. When the night arrived, I show up, check in and then the small talk begins.)

Me: “So how many do we have signed up for tonight?”

Employee: “We are expecting eight.”

(This surprises me as we generally divide hikers into groups of about six and we had three guides standing there ready to lead. One guide could have easily led eight people. Two would certainly be enough.)

Me: “Um, okay. Small groups then.”

Employee: “And we have five trainees tonight.”

(Again I’m surprised. We often have trainees follow or “shadow” seasoned guides but never more than one per guide.)

Me: “That will be a lot of shadows for each guide.”

Employee: “Oh, no. They aren’t shadowing. Tonight is their training hike.”

(She then sent the other two guides out with four hikers each and introduced me to the trainees. Yeah, I was to be the trainer.)

Unfiltered Story #105415

, , | Unfiltered | February 12, 2018

I live in a residential area with lots of houses and lots of interconnected streets.

I’m waiting to get a package delivered from the company whose slogan used to be “When it absolutely, positively has to be there overnight.” Not so much anymore.

At the time, mid-afternoon, when the package should be delivered, the online tracking suddenly says there was a “security issue,” and it won’t be delivered. Instantly suspicious, ’cause I’ve had trouble with this delivery company in the past, I automatically call their customer service.
The first customer service rep simply reads me the information off of the tracking. I tell her I want more information than that, and if she can’t help me, then pass me on to someone who can. After arguing with her about this for longer than it should have taken her to transfer a call, she finally does.
The next customer service rep, much more obliging, said she would get in touch with that delivery hub and get back to me. 15 minutes later, I get a call back from her, stating that they couldn’t get a hold of the driver, but would keep trying.

After hanging up with her, I get another call immediately from another customer service rep who had gotten in touch with the driver.
I explain to her that yes, the road my address is on is being repaved, but there are many other roads he could take to get around that. According to the driver, my house was “completely blocked,” couldn’t get to it, no way to deliver. I told her that was impossible, as we just got our mail delivered by our postal worker, who DRIVES. If he can get to my house, and the school buses can get around, then he can, as well.

They said they would do their best, and if nothing else, I would get my package the next day.

I’m still fuming at this driver, who sees one glitch on his route and gives up immediately instead of trying a bit harder, but thank the person and hang up.

Not 15 minutes later, that delivery driver is running up on our porch and leaving my package. I went out to get it, but he was in his truck already. SO wish I could have met him at the door.