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Untouched and raw stories: unedited, uncensored, unformatted, and sometimes unbelievable!

Unfiltered Story #260406

, , | Unfiltered | June 16, 2022

I work as a bank teller. A customer comes up with a check written out to “cash” and a deposit slip for a competitor bank filled out. This is a common mistake so I ask her for her identification so I can look up her account and fill a correct slip out.
After pulling up her account I see that the only one she has is the same one she wrote the check from.

Me: Excuse me, ma’am? What did you want to do with this check? (thinking maybe she wrote it but then didnt need to use it I was going to inform her that she didnt need to ‘re-deposit’ because it never came out of the account)

Custsomer: I want to put it into my business account.

Me: Oh, Im sorry. I only see a personal account here. Is the business account under a different name?

Customer: I filled out the deposit slip!

I take a close look at the competitors deposit slip. Its for BANK A which was bought out by BANK B a few years ago. Neither of which are this bank.

Me: Im sorry ma’am, this is a BANK B account. This is Bank C.

Customer: Yeah, and?

Me: I cannot put money into a BANK B account.

Customer: AND WHY NOT?

Me: Because this isnt BANK B. This is BANK C and I dont have access to any of BANK B’s accounts. You’ll have to go to BANK B to make this deposit.

Customer: Well I dont want to go to BANK B. I want you to make this deposit now.

Me: I cannot ma’am. I am unable to access any information at BANK B, that includes putting money into accounts there.

Customer: WHY.

Me:……. Because this is BANK C. I can only access accounts that are at BANK C.

Customer: The money is from here! So you should be able to put it in.

Me: I….I really cant. I can take the money out and give you the cash. But you’d still have to go to BANK B to make a deposit. Or do you use Bank B’s mobile app? I could probably show you how to do a mobile deposit.

Customer: NO i dont trust computers. OH. This deposit slip is for BANK A….Where on earth is that?

me: Bank A is Bank B now. Im sorry ma’am there is really nothing else I can do unless you want to take out the money from here directly?

Customer: I. Want. You. To. Deposit. This. Into. My. Business. Account.

Me: Im sorry…..You’ll have to go to BANK B for that.

Customer: (defeated) but i dont want to go there…..

Unfiltered Story #260404

, , , | Unfiltered | June 16, 2022

(Most British supermarkets use £1 coin deposit shopping trolleys. One day the store manager notices a trolley sitting outside our store, which is in the same mall as a branch of a major supermarket.)
Manager: “[My name], take that trolley back to [nearby supermarket] and get the £1 out of it.”
(I assume, or at least hope, that when he gets the coin he’ll put it in the store’s cash donations slot. However, at that moment I happen to notice something.)
Me: “Hey, [Manager], that trolley’s not from [nearby supermarket] at all. It’s actually from [other supermarket 10 minutes’ walk away]. Did you still want me to take it back?”
Manager: “Nah, forget it.”
(I still regret not insisting. Just think what our charity could have done with that extra £1.)

Unfiltered Story #260402

, , | Unfiltered | June 16, 2022

My best friend and I met seventh grade in possibly the most ridiculous circumstances that I have ever heard of.

We were both attending a science camp that was really just a glorified field trip. The students who came were from three different middle schools that fed into one high school, and the goal of the camp was to get us acquainted with each other for a few days before we all went to the same high school. It’s important to note that my friend is female and has a gender-neutral first name.

My friend arrived at camp as usual and received the packet of papers detailing schedules and cabin placements. She figured out which cabin to look for, grabbed her bags, and set out, not realizing that all of the other girls were heading in the opposite direction.

My friend came to the cabin that she’d been assigned on the official packets, opened the door, and was immediately faced with a group of confused seventh-grade boys.

She’d been assigned to a boys’ cabin by mistake!

Apparently the organizers had seen her first name, guessed on her gender, and gotten it wrong. My friend was hurriedly moved to a girls’ cabin, which also happened to be the one I was in—and we’ve been friends ever since.

Unfiltered Story #260400

, , | Unfiltered | June 16, 2022

I work at a well known retail clothing store. I had a woman bring several shirts up to the counter.
Her: these were on the clearance rack
Me: sorry they don’t belong there. They belong on that table right there (a non clearance table)
Her: well cant you change the price? They were with other clearance items
Me: well they aren’t supposed to be but I’ll see what we can do.
My manager ended up giving her the discount anyway, even though the full price ones were right next to her.

Unfiltered Story #260398

, , | Unfiltered | June 16, 2022

*I am wiping down the glass doors at work, and usually while I do this a lot of people leaving or entering the building will make remarks like “you missed a spot!” or “Hey, come clean my windows at home!”*
Lady #1: Oooh, and she does windows too! You wanna come home and clean my windows for me?
Me: *chuckles* Um, maybe if you pay me like $20 an hour?
Lady #2: Woo! You go girl!
(I’m always super careful about saying stuff like that, but Lady #2 totally made my day)