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Literal Highway Robbery

, , , , , | Working | April 28, 2020

(I’ve woken up and realized I can’t find my wallet. As I don’t have my wallet and thus don’t have any cash for the bus, I end up walking over six miles down the road to get to the bar I visited last night to see if I left it there. I see that there is some sort of street festival on the road and walk past an entryway to get to the bar, which is now only about twenty feet away. Suddenly, a cop barrels up to me, shouting.)

Cop: “It’s a $10 entry fee to access this street! You can’t come in without paying!”

Me: “Oh, I’m sorry. I didn’t realize there was a festival today. I’m literally just here to get to the bar that’s right there. I think I left my wallet there last night.”

Cop: “It’s $10 to access this street!”

Me: “I’m sorry, sir, but like I said, I think I left my wallet at the bar. I’m just trying to get in to see if they have it and then I’m leaving.”

Cop: “Nobody can get on this street without paying $10!”

Me: *pause* “What if they work on this street?”

Cop: “Then they have to pay $10!”

Me: “I don’t see how that’s right at all. But I literally don’t have any money and I just walked over six miles to get here. Is there any way I can just go to the bar and see if they have my wallet? I can give you the $10 if they have it, and I’m not even going to stay for the festival.”

Cop: “Not without paying $10! Why don’t you just go to an ATM and get $10?”

Me: “First, I don’t have my wallet, so I can’t use an ATM. Also, my bank is on this street, so I can’t even go to the bank to get it. You’ve kind of put me into a corner here.”

Cop: “Well, you’re not getting in until you pay the $10 entry fee to access this street!”

(I then had to spend a half-hour begging random people for money for the privilege of accessing a street before I finally had enough to get in. And, of course, the bar didn’t have my wallet, so I ended up having to beg for money and walk well over ten miles for no reason. I have no clue how it’s right in the slightest to bar anyone from using a public street without paying, especially if they work on the street or have business unrelated to the festival. But maybe that’s just me.)

When You REALLY Want Them To Make A Meal Of It

, , , | Right | April 28, 2020

I am a hostess for a bar and restaurant. The owner also owns many other places in the same town.

Me: “Hi. Thank you for calling [Restaurant]. This is [My Name]; how may I help you.”

Customer: “Oh, hi, sweetheart. [My Name], that’s such a pretty name that you have. My name is [Customer]. I just have some questions for you.”

Me: “Okay, go ahead. I’m sure I can answer them.”

Customer: “Okay, so you’re a tiki place, right?”

Me: “Right.”

Customer: “Okay, so… what’s on the menu that I would like?”

Me: “Umm… well, what are you in the mood for?”

Customer: “I don’t know. What do you think I would like there?”

I then read every item on our menu to her.

Customer: “Oh, okay. Now, your owners, they also own [Another Bar]. How much would it be for a salad there?”

Me: “I don’t know, ma’am. I don’t work there.”

Customer: “Well do they sell baybreezes?”

Me: “Well, ma’am, I don’t work there so I don’t know for sure, but chances are yes, they do?”

Customer: “And do you know what kind of food is on the menu there that I would like?”

Me: “Ma’am, once again, I have no idea because I don’t work there. I work here. I am going to have to give you that bar’s phone number and you can call them.”

Customer: “Oh, okay, [My Name], it was nice talking to you. Talk to you soon.”

There’s No Vaccine For Idiocy

, , , , , | Right | April 24, 2020

Like many other theaters, my theater has closed due to the outbreak. Staff members are still working our final scheduled shifts, though we are mainly focusing on cleaning, throwing out food that will expire, etc.

We aren’t open to the public and have notices on our doors explaining that we aren’t open. At around 7:00 pm, I hear frenzied knocking and see a frustrated man standing at the door. I walk over and crack the door open.

Me: “Um… can I help you?”

Customer: “[Movie] is opening tonight, and I wanna see it! Let me in! Why would you have the doors locked?!”

Me: “I apologize, but the theater is indefinitely closed due to the—”

Customer: “Bulls***! [Movie] comes out tonight!”

Me: “Sir, not only are we not open, but the studio pulled [Movie] from their release schedule. It likely won’t be out for several months, if not next year.”  

Customer: “But I saw a few weeks ago that [Movie] opened tonight!”

Me: “Sir, I assure you, [Movie] is not coming out tonight.”

Customer: “You’re not gonna let me in?!”

Me: “No, sir, I can’t let you in as we are not open and likely won’t be back open for several months.”

Customer: “Pfft! Good luck staying in business if you aren’t even gonna let people in to see movies!”

He stormed away. Of course, the last customer I dealt with before we closed down was an idiot. I just hope I don’t see him again once we reopen… whenever that may be.

Making A Big Ask

, , , , | Right | April 18, 2020

I am a cashier at a grocery store. We are required to ask certain questions of every customer.

Me: “Hi, how are you?”

Customer: *Angrily* “Just fine, thanks.”

Me: *Starts scanning* “Did you find everything you were looking for?”

Customer: “I really wish you’d quit asking me that; it’s really annoying.”

That is the FIRST and ONLY time I asked her. I was silent for the rest of the transaction.

She Was Going To Be A Whiny Bag Regardless Of The Size

, , , | Right | April 13, 2020

(I’m about to place my order at a fast food restaurant. The cashier motions for me to wait while he hands a just-filled order to the woman standing next to me. She takes her bag, peers inside, and glares at it.)

Customer: “Thanks for not giving me the bigger bag, you cheap a**hole!”

Cashier: “I, uh… Ma’am, you only ordered a medium fry. When you get just one item, that’s the standard—”

Customer: “Oh, forget about it!”

(She throws away the bag — fries still inside — and storms out of the restaurant.)

Me: “What was that all about?”

Cashier: “I have no idea. So, what can I get for you today?”

Me: “A number fifteen combo with a Diet Coke, please.”

Cashier: “Sure. Would you like that in a large bag or a small one?”