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If At First You Get Some Ice…

, , , | Working | October 18, 2018

(As a younger teen than I am now, I went to an amusement park I haven’t been to for a while. The old restaurant I used to love is re-skinned and has new ideas. The cuisine is mainly the same, so I order my usual.)

Me: *at the counter* “I’m order 123.”

Server: “[Soda], no ice, and a bacon double cheeseburger?”

(She hands me a [soda] filled to the brim with ice. I look it over once and alert her.)

Me: “I’m sorry, I asked for no ice but this one has ice, and umm–”

Server: “Oh, no worries. I’ll get you a new one.” *to her coworkers* “I have a [soda] with ice if necessary.”

(She fills another cup with ice and begins to pour in the [Soda] before looking down and apologizing to me.)

Server: *to coworkers* “I have another one if you guys need it.”

(Once again, she filled a cup with ice and poured in the [Soda] without looking down. After this attempt, I got my [Soda] with no ice and left the restaurant with a smile on my face.)

Who’s A Good Little Stand?

, , , | Right | October 17, 2018

(I work in a well-known pet store. We sell small plastic pools for dogs during the summer. A woman comes in and goes over to our display of plastic pools. They are sitting on top of black plastic stands that the price tag is fixed to.)

Customer: “Wow, these are only $10.99?”

Me: “Yep, and they are actually on sale if you are signed up for our membership program.”

Customer: *takes a stack of pools off one of the stands and puts them on the floor* “That’s great. This could really come in handy.”

Me: *realizing she isn’t talking about the pools, but the stand itself* “Oh, the stand is actually not for sale; it’s the pools that you just took off of it that are $10.99.”

Customer: “Oh… Well, where did you get the stands?”

Me: “I’m… not really sure. A home improvement store maybe?”

Customer: *instantly disappointed* “Oh, okay.”

(She left without buying anything and I haven’t seen her since.)

Getting A Medium Is A Large Problem

, , , , , | Working | October 17, 2018

(I am in line at a fast food restaurant. After reading the menu, I note that the menu states the value meal includes a small drink and small French fry. I pull up to the speaker and order.)

Cashier: *on speaker* “What can I get you?”

Me: “I would like a #4 value meal with a [Soda]. That will be all, thank you.”

Cashier: *on speaker* “That will be $6.98. Please pull forward.”

Me: *even though it seems a little high* “Okay, thanks.”

(I pull to the window and the cashier hands out my food with the order ticket taped to the bag. I hand her my debit card for payment and I glance at the order ticket.)

Me: *to cashier bending over register* “Hey, you charged me an extra $0.58 for a medium drink and a medium fry. The meal comes standard with small sizes.”

Cashier: *sputters* “Well, we were trained to up-size if the customer doesn’t say they only want small.”

(The manager notices us and comes to the window. The cashier closes the window to confer with him.)

Manager: *opens window back up* “I am sorry about that. Let me refund that for you. She is new and is supposed to be trained to ask if you want medium sizes. Please let me see your receipt and debit card for refund.”

Me: *hands debit card and receipt back to him* “I literally asked for the meal number with a [Soda] to drink. I did not ask for anything extra and she didn’t ask. I assumed I would get what the menu states.”

Manager: *returns debit card and refund receipt* “Again, sorry about that.”

Me: “I cannot hold those big size drink cups, and a lot of customer don’t want the extra calories.”

(I pulled out of the parking lot thinking that they only want to squeeze every penny out of unsuspecting customers.)

Needs To Take A Breath At Such Incompetence

, , , , , | Healthy | October 17, 2018

(I’ve had a cough for a while that just isn’t going away. On the weekend it gets so bad that I have difficulty breathing. Since it’s the weekend, I have to go to the emergency room. Even though I’m an adult, my dad goes with me, because being female and fat I often don’t get proper treatment. This time around, I don’t even get a doctor; I get a physician’s assistant. I’m too busy coughing and gasping for a decent breath to talk at this point. She doesn’t even bother to examine me and snaps at me the very second she comes past the curtain.)

Physician’s Assistant: “You have the flu. Go home!”

Dad: *looks at the woman in shock* “You didn’t even listen to her lungs, or touch her at all.”

Physician’s Assistant: “I don’t have to. She has the flu. Go home.”

Dad: “She’s having problems breathing. You need to listen to her lungs!”

Physician’s Assistant: *makes a great show of “listening” to my lungs, which lasts less than five seconds* “She has the flu. Go home!

Dad: “Can’t you at least give her a Rocephin shot?”

Physician’s Assistant: “It won’t do anything for the flu. Go home!

(She then flounced out and insisted I be discharged. The next day was a weekday and I went into my doctor without an appointment. He immediately informed me that I had a severe infection that required antibiotics, NOT the flu. He then gave me a Rocephin shot and I started to feel better by the afternoon. You can bet the hospital got a REALLY stern letter from me.)

They Should Aspire To Do Better

, , , | Right | October 16, 2018

(I work at an electronic cigarette store. The amount of people who know nothing about their devices astonishes me. An e-cigarette tank requires a coil to heat up the juice in order to make it into vapor.)

Me: “Hey there. How can I help you?”

Customer: “I need a coil.”

Me: “Okay, for what kind of tank?”

(The customer points at a battery device, not a tank.)

Customer: “It’s for something like this.”

Me: “Well, that’s just the device that powers the tank; which one do you have for that device?”

Customer: “A tank.”

Me: “What kind of tank?”

Customer: *starting to get mad* “A tank for e-juice.”

Me: “Okay, do you remember the brand of the tank?”

Customer: “It’s an Aspire tank.”

Me: “Okay, which kind of Aspire tank?”

(We have about six different tanks from that one company.)

Customer: “Aspire.”

Me: “Which one?”

Customer: “ASPIRE!”

Me: “Okay, let me show you all the coils we carry from that company.”

Customer: *looks at them* “I don’t know what one goes into it.”

(He finally just picks one and leaves. About an hour later he comes back, screaming at me for a refund.)


(He brought his device in, and it wasn’t even the Aspire brand.)