Right Working Romantic Related Learning Friendly Healthy Legal Inspirational Unfiltered
Untouched and raw stories: unedited, uncensored, unformatted, and sometimes unbelievable!

Unfiltered Story #219071

, , | Unfiltered | December 22, 2020

I’m a cashier at a small independent grocery store. We set up a seed and starter plants section in spring. The owner purchased and planted some flowers in large barrels in front of the store. A customer came up and asked if she could dig up the plants in the barrel because we were sold out of a particular plant. I said no, because they were already sold. She became upset and demanded we let her because she wanted them. The manager was called before she would accept no for an answer.

Unfiltered Story #219069

, , | Unfiltered | December 22, 2020

(I volunteer in a charity shop that has two stores across the road from each other. One sells books, cds, DVDs, and vinyls; the other sells everything else, which is primarily clothes, and this is the one I work in. Both stores have the same 4ft-wide logo on the windows, as well as using the same type font on the sign. This conversation happens at least 3 or 4 times a day)

Customer: *looks around clothes shop, looks on children’s section, comes back down to main area*

Customer: Excuse me, do you sell any books?

Me: Yes, we do, in our bookshop across the road

Customer: *surprised* Oh, is that you too?

Me: Yes, we are the same charity

Customer: I didn’t realise!

(The two shops are exactly opposite each other; I have no idea how you can completely miss the fact that we are the same group or the large “book shop” sign on the front)

Unfiltered Story #219067

, | Unfiltered | December 22, 2020

(I work with tech support of a big phone producer)

Costumer: Hi I can’t log into the wifi
Me: Ok is there a specific error code or similar
Costumer: yea authorization failed
Me: do you have the correct password.
Costumer: yea I typed the one we made while making my gmail.
Me: no you need the password on the back of the router.
Costumer: oooooohh Im such a idiot, IM SORRY FOR WASTING YOUR TIME
Me: thats fine
(this went on for another 5 min)

Unfiltered Story #219065

, , | Unfiltered | December 22, 2020

I work for a store where tje customer buys their things first and then waits for us to bring them out. I see a woman use the self checkout and walk up to me with receipt in hand.

Me: Do you need help with your receipt? The average wait is eight minutes.

Woman: EIGHT MINUTES! But I have to die at noon!

She then walked out. Her things hadn’t been claimed by closing.

Unfiltered Story #219063

, , | Unfiltered | December 22, 2020

(I am a cashier at a popular supermarket. A woman comes through my lane.)

Customer: (Looking at my name tag) Julie? Hey, I’m Julie too!

(I hear this a lot and find it completely uninteresting since “Julie” is such a common name, so I just echo what she said in a disinterested manner.)

Customer: So, [feminine name 1] or [feminine name 2]?

Me: Huh?

Customer: Your middle name! Maybe [feminine name 3]. That goes great with “Julie”!

Me: Oh, no, none of those. *quietly chuckles* You’re not going to guess my middle name.

(She made a few more guesses before I finished checking her out. How did I know for sure she wouldn’t guess my middle name? Because it’s masculine. I am a trans woman, and I haven’t gone through a legal name change yet. This was adorable and kind of humorous, but more than that, it always makes me happy when I pass enough for people I’m talking to not to notice that I was born male.)