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Untouched and raw stories: unedited, uncensored, unformatted, and sometimes unbelievable!

Unfiltered Story #248545

, , | Unfiltered | November 30, 2021

(I’m a nursing student who is a non-traditional student. I often get mistaken for being MUCH younger than I am. I’m doing a rotation at the hospital for my schooling, and a patient’s husband request I get an “actual adult” to help care for his wife. I realize he believes I am one of the younger students, but in reality, I’m the oldest in my group.)

Me: Sir, I am an actual adult. I’m almost 40 years old.

He looks at me very skeptically.

The husband: No way, you can’t be more than 18, if that. I want an adult.

The patient: Honey, she has been great…just hush.

The CNA comes in to check on everything and the man repeats this to her and asks her to help his wife. She looked at him and tells him she’d be happy to, but for the record I was old enough to be her mother.

Unfiltered Story #248543

, , | Unfiltered | November 30, 2021

Customer comes in for an oil change at mainly a tire shop that offers quite a lot of other services including maintenance, wanting an oil change. Complains how long it takes compared to other shops which do strictly oil changes. We tell her tires are close to the end of life. She says she will take it to an actual tire shop because she had her tires inspected 3 months ago while admitting she drives a lot.

Unfiltered Story #248541

, , | Unfiltered | November 30, 2021

Hoo boy. I work at Regal Cinemas and as an usher, I make sure that people have their tickets and behave. Since some “Genius” at corporate decided that it’d be so much better to have no ropes preventing people from sneaking in, you can guess where that leads.
Besides that, I have to deal with some real “winners” and this story is one that sticks in my mind pretty vividly.
It just happened a couple of days ago during a very busy shift. One of our policies at the theater is NO OUTSIDE FOOD OF ANY KIND. Water we don’t care too much about, but when you bring in full bags of food, THEN we have to say something.
Well, this lady brought a full bag of, what she called, “Vegetarian Food” and…. Well, lemme show you the conversation.

Me: Excuse me, lady, I need to ask what’s in the bag.

Lady: It’s special food! I can’t eat what’s here.

Me: *sighing internally as I’ve had to do this already multiple times during the night* Ma’am, I’m sorry, but the theater doesn’t allow outside food.

Lady: *repeating like I’m deaf* I CAN’T EAT THE FOOD HERE!

Me: I’m sorry but we don’t make except—

Lady: That food is not vegetarian! I can’t eat there!

Now keep in mind, we have a pretty big snack bar and while it’s not the most nutritious eatery, I couldn’t imagine there wouldn’t be SOMETHING there she’d like to eat.

Me: I could get a manager if yo-

Lady: *shoving the bag in my face* I CAN’T EAT YOUR FOOD, I’M VEGETARIAN! *storms off*

Sad part was that after a while, the managers got so many complaints from customers about me not letting them bring in outside food, they told me to let anyone bring in whatever they wanted. This, DESPITE THERE BEING A SIGN ON THE TICKET PODIUM SAYING NO OUTSIDE FOOD IS ALLOWED! I called them out on this and they just said to let it go…… Way to enforce the rules, guys.

Unfiltered Story #248539

, | Unfiltered | November 30, 2021

I switched from private school to public school in grade 5. The beginning wasn’t bad, but as time went on I started being bullied. The girls who bullied me were the teacher’s favourites but the principal was as new as me and believed me more than the teachers did. The bullying continued into ninth grade (now) and hasn’t stopped. Here are some of the funnier interactions I’ve had with bullies.

Boss of group 1: “Stop looking at me!”
Her friend: “Creep!”
Boss: “I’ll rip your heart out!”
Later to the principal…
Boss: “That’s not bullying! She was looking at me!

With a different group…
My ex friend: “The one handed nail polish looks bad on you.” (Proceeds to tell me about how I’m insulting her one handed cousin.)
Me: Oookaaay.

Two years later.
Boss of group 2: “(My name) has a stupid tanline on her feet.”
Her friends: “Yeah”
Me: “I don’t appreciate you saying that”
Teacher: (Having heard the conversation) “(My name)! Don’t be rude! Maybe this is why you don’t have friends.”

(Highschool hasn’t been much better but I do have friends from elsewhere at school now. I share two classes with (Boss of group 2) unfortunately.) :(

Unfiltered Story #248537

, , | Unfiltered | November 30, 2021

I was walking down the juice aisle at a large box store when an elderly man in a motorized chair asked if we knew where a certain juice was. I told him I didn’t and he nodded in understanding and started to head to another aisle.
The woman behind me must have over heard us because she darted after the man and asked him to hold on a second before running back where she had left her cart and jumped to grab a bottle off the top shelf.
The man thanked her and she shook her head stating ‘It’s no big deal.’