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Unfiltered Story #248545

, , | Unfiltered | November 30, 2021

(I’m a nursing student who is a non-traditional student. I often get mistaken for being MUCH younger than I am. I’m doing a rotation at the hospital for my schooling, and a patient’s husband request I get an “actual adult” to help care for his wife. I realize he believes I am one of the younger students, but in reality, I’m the oldest in my group.)

Me: Sir, I am an actual adult. I’m almost 40 years old.

He looks at me very skeptically.

The husband: No way, you can’t be more than 18, if that. I want an adult.

The patient: Honey, she has been great…just hush.

The CNA comes in to check on everything and the man repeats this to her and asks her to help his wife. She looked at him and tells him she’d be happy to, but for the record I was old enough to be her mother.

Question of the Week

Have you ever served a bad customer who got what they deserved?

I have a story to share!