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Untouched and raw stories: unedited, uncensored, unformatted, and sometimes unbelievable!

Unfiltered Story #273153

, | Unfiltered | November 27, 2022

I work as an afternoon caretaker in a school – grades are 1-9. We do all kinds of stuff with the kids, mainly their homework, but also playing boardgames, crafts etc.
This story happend on a very hot and sunny afternoon in the summer. We were handing out sunscreen to the kids or asked them to stay in the shade and got into a conversation about sunscreen, sunburns and the like.

Me: “I usually dont get a sunburn. I’m just turning brown.” (Common way to say that your skin is getting darker in german)
A little boy, maybe about 6 years old, looks at me for a while, contemplating what I said.
Then he says: “So just like an old banana!”

Unfiltered Story #273149

, , | Unfiltered | November 27, 2022

When I was a kid I was on the school lunch program which meant I got lunch for free, but one day I decided to bring some money to school to buy a snack. I bought an icecream sandwich and was excited to eat it, but the fire alarm went off during lunch and I had to leave it behind, by the time I got back the icecream had melted and I couldn’t get a new one.

Unfiltered Story #273147

, , , | Unfiltered | November 27, 2022

I own a South Indian restaurant. Like most South Indian restuarants, I have a hot food table with different yummy appetizers. I made sure to clearly state the names of each item, the description of each item, and the price.
As you can guess, I still am asked, “what is this?” or “what’s inside of that?” or even “how much is this?”
I have been asked these questions for so long, that even though it’s annoying, I’m used to it.
But then this gem happened.

Customer comes up to my counter
Customer: “Hey can I get a few of these balls?”
(He was referring to Mango Vaipan (a sweet bread famous in Sri Lanka.)

Me: Sure (I’m used to people calling them that)
Customer: Wait no, what are these called?
He looks down and reads the name.
Customer: Oh Vaipan, can i get some of those?
Me : Of course!
Customer: I have been coming here for so long I should learn what they’re actually called.
Me (now laughing it off): it’s okay, everyone calls them mango balls anyways
Customer: Nah its not okay, I should actually learn what these are called. Especially when its on the sign in front of me.
Me: I mean, it used to be annoy me when people don’t read the labels but now i’m used to it, it’s fine.
Customer: We live in the GTA (our metropolitan is called the Greater Toronto Area), everyone loves how multicultural we are, but don’t want to appreciate or learn different cultures. I have to learn about different cultures.

That, my friends, is why I love my job. I like teaching about my culture and my unique food. It’s also great to have those really sweet customers, who take the time to actually try and understand different cultures!

Unfiltered Story #273145

, , | Unfiltered | November 27, 2022

[I’m at my first job, at a hamburger fast-food restaurant. I’ve recently be trained on the grill. I’m working a Saturday lunch rush, and a female co-worker is attending the drive-thru register.

After 3 hours of non-stop cars at the drive-thru, there’s finally no customers waiting to order.]

Female Co-worker: Whew! I have *had* it!

Me: Oh? How many times?

[Everyone on the production line stopped and glared at me; none of them expected that kind of comment from me. Then, everyone but the female-coworker burst out laughing. She went in back, blushing. I did later apologize to her.]

Unfiltered Story #273143

, , | Unfiltered | November 27, 2022

I’m a substitute school bus driver, meaning every day that I drive, I see new kids depending on which routes need coverage. One of the many things I love about my job is calling parents to tell them when their children have been particularly well-behaved or helpful on the bus (though I did quickly learn to start out by reassuring the parents I’m calling to compliment, not complain!). One recent conversation went like this:

Woman, answering her phone: Hello?

Me: Hi, I’m [name] and I was [child’s] bus driver today. I have a compliment, is this his mom?

Woman: Yes, it is.

Me: I just wanted to tell you how helpful [child] was today on the bus. I’ve never driven this route before today, and there’s a tricky part where I have to turn the bus around, and the directions aren’t clear. When I got close to it, he saw that I looked confused and told me exactly how his regular bus driver does it, which made my day a whole lot easier.

Women: That’s great to hear! Hmm, he was just asking if he could have seconds on dessert…

Me: Well, if my vote has any sway, I say yes!

He got extra dessert that night.