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You Know You’ve Had Too Much To Drink When…

, , , | Right | January 12, 2008

Customer: “I’ll have a margarita, please.”

(I get a margarita and serve it to the woman.)

Customer: “Excuse me, miss? Can I please have another margarita? This one doesn’t have enough quatilia in it.”

Me: “Ma’am, your drink is strong, I can guarantee it.”

Customer: “How do you know there is enough quatilia in this?”

Me: “Because you said, ‘Quatilia.'”

Customer: “Yeah, and?”

Me: “It’s called ‘tequila.'”

(The customer’s face turned a nice shade of crimson.)

This story is part of our Margarita roundup!

Read the next Margarita roundup story!

Read the Margarita roundup!

Those Oh-So Subtle Distinctions

, , , | Right | January 10, 2008

Me: “Hello, ma’am, is there anything I can help you find?”

Customer: “Yes. I need to find a book on rodents.”

Me: “Rodents?”

Customer: “Yes, I have some little creature running around my garage and I need to know what it is. I think it might be a vulva.”

Me: “Um…”

Customer: “You know, it’s small and looks like a mole or a hamster. A vulva.”

Me: “I think you mean a ‘vole’.”

Customer: “Oh right, that’s it. Do you have any books on voles?”

This story is part of our Hamsters Roundup!

Read the next Hamster Roundup story!

Read the Hamsters Roundup!

More Slippage

, , | Right | January 3, 2008

(I am working another very long day right after “March of the Penguins” has come out, stuck in the box office, when a sweet-looking little old lady and her sweet little old lady friend walked up to the window.)

Me: “Hello, how can I help you today?”

Old Lady: “Hello, sweetie. I’d like one senior for March of the Penises.”

Friend: “Oh, my God…”

(Shocked, the second old lady puts her hand up to her mouth and whispers to her friend.)

Me: “I think you might have the wrong theater…”

This story is part of our Shocking Old People roundup!

Read the next Shocking Old People roundup story!

Read the Shocking Old People roundup!

At Least She Has The General Idea

, , , | Right | January 1, 2008

Bored Teen: “Yeah. I’m looking for this book, When I Drop Dead?”

Me: “I can’t seem to find it in the system. Do you know who the author is?”

Bored Teen: “I dunno. Flooker or Flocker or something.”

(A light goes on in my head.)


Bored Teen: *explosive sigh* “Yeah. Whatever. That.”

That’s, Like, Mean

, , | Learning | December 30, 2007

Student: “So, like, um, you wrote on my paper that I wrote like, I, like spoke… but you only gave me two out of ten points.

Me: “You used ‘like’ 56 times and ‘that’ 87.”

Student: “Um, why is that a problem?”

Me: “It was a two-page writing assignment.”

Student: “So… um… since I talked with you, um… can I have some more points?”