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If laughter is the best medicine, these humorous stories are just what the doctor ordered!

Virgin Galactic, Eat Your Heart Out

, , , , | Right | April 18, 2008

(I’m a flight attendant doing my pre-takeoff check-in the cabin. A man stops me and gestures to the small digital camera sitting in the seat next to him.)

Passenger: “Is it okay if my camera is here for the flight?”

Me: “Sure, sir. That will be fine.”

Passenger: “But shouldn’t I put it in the overhead bin?”

Me: “It should be fine there, but if you’re worried about it falling on the floor during landing you could put it in the overhead bin.”

Passenger: “But after takeoff, won’t it start floating around the cabin?”

Me: “Well, sir, just hold on to it. Once we slingshot around the moon, it will be fine.”

This story is part of our Space roundup!

Read the next Space roundup story!

Read the Space roundup!

We Love You Too

, , , | Right | April 17, 2008

(It was literally three minutes before closing time, and someone called us.)

Drunk Customer: “Ehhhhhh hello?”

Me: “Sir, we are at closing time.”

Drunk Customer: “Oh… well, can I have a large cheese pizza and a cheeseburger?”

Me: “Sir, it is closing time. We’re done for the day. And we don’t serve burgers.”

Drunk Customer: “Okay, can you just… uuuhhhhh… make me a pizza really fast then?”

Me: “Sir, I’m sorry, but we’re closing.”


Me: “Sir, it’s 10:01. We are closed.”

Drunk Customer: *unusually calm* “Okay… I’ll go to McDonald’s.”

Me: “Good night, sir.”

Drunk Customer: “Good night… I love you…” *hangs up*

(Quite frankly, it made my day.)

At Least She Was Honest

, , | Right | April 15, 2008

(I get a service call to go out to a customer’s house to service a malfunctioning laptop. I was talking to my boss and he gave me the rundown of the call.)

Me: “Alright, so what exactly does the customer want?”

Supervisor: “She says her laptop isn’t turning on, and there might be something wrong with her LCD screen.”

Me: “Okay, sounds like a hardware problem. Did she tell you why all this is going on?”

Supervisor: “Well… she was completely honest with me.”

Me: “…?”

Supervisor: “She got angry and threw it against a concrete wall in a fit of rage.”

Me: “…I’ll take care of it.”

Tampax, Kayaks, Same Thing

, , , , | Right | April 14, 2008

(I work at a place that provides kayaks, hiking/climbing gear, canoes, and inner tubes for students at our university.)

Young Woman: “Hi, I need deodorant and a tampon.”

Me: “Um, we don’t have those here.”

Young Woman: “What do you mean?”

Me: “This is the Outdoor Center. We provide outdoor recreational equipment for students.”

Young Woman: “Well I’m a student, I’m outside, and I need deodorant and a tampon!”

(About this time my coworker looks up with a look on her face of WTF?!)

Me: “Yeah… those don’t come with kayaks or canoes.”

Young Woman: “They should!”

(I walk off to let my female coworker take over this one.)

Pepperoni And A Side Of Dentures, Please

, , , | Right | April 13, 2008

Me: “[Pizza place], what can I get for you?”

Customer: “I’d like a large cheese pizza.”

Me: “Great. Anything else for you today?”

Customer: “Um… yeah. Could you undercook that? Most of the people eating the pizza don’t have teeth.”