Right Working Romantic Related Learning Friendly Healthy Legal Inspirational Unfiltered
Untouched and raw stories: unedited, uncensored, unformatted, and sometimes unbelievable!

Unfiltered Story #264598

, , , | Unfiltered | August 2, 2022

I am trying to deliver a pizza to a very nice customer, but after knocking several times they haven’t answered the door, so I call the number listed on the delivery ticket.

Guy: Hello?

Me: Hi, this is (name) from (pizza place). I have your delivery ready.

Guy: And?

Me: I have your delivery ready.

Guy: AND?!

Me: I’m at your door, sir.

Guy: No you’re not.

Me: Is your apartment number not (number)?

Guy: I can see my door from here.

Me: What is your apartment number?

Guy: You’re not! I can see my door from here!

Me: Your address is (address), correct?

Guy: No.

Me: … Can you give me your correct address, please?

Guy: No.

Me: Sir, I-

Guy: You can’t have my address. You called the wrong number. *click*

The actual customer did call back later to get her pizza and apologized for the incorrect phone number. She left a good tip, and I’m glad she wasn’t upset by the incident. I still have no idea what was going through the other guy’s head.

Unfiltered Story #264596

, , | Unfiltered | August 2, 2022

My mil and I are heading back home after an eye doctor appointment and we’re on a familiar road in the right hand lane. The left hand lane is about to end and merge into our lane. There’s no one behind us and a car in the left hand lane when all of the sudden the car speeds up and cuts us off, forcing us into the shoulder.

The kicker? The bumper has a very familiar logo on it from a certain insurance company that starts “You’re in good hands…”

Unfiltered Story #264594

, , | Unfiltered | August 2, 2022

(It’s the middle of September and a little rainy this morning, but the afternoon is predicted to be really warm. We’re having our morning meeting and talking about the weather before getting into what needs to be done for the day.)

Manager: “This afternoon’s supposed to be super windy, so be careful when you leave. Somebody hold onto [My Name] so she doesn’t fly away.”

Coworker: “We could tie a string around her!” *mimics flying a kite*

Manager: “Yeah, we’d see her ’cause she’s red! And now we’re embarrassing her, so she’s even more red.”

(I’m used to being teased about my shortness and my red hair, so this isn’t new, but it’s awkward, and I blush easily. I was expecting the joke about me flying away the minute he started talking about wind, but not the rest of it. I just go with it and say the first thing to pop into my head as the joking continues for a second.)

Me: “And I park the farthest away, so…”

(Only by three or four parking spaces, but it’s still the furthest away from the building, at the edge of the parking lot. Old habit from previous jobs.)

Manager: “Hey, maybe that’s what I should tell my wife we should do when I get home today! Take the boys to the park and fly kites!”

(I was relieved the conversation left me. And it wasn’t *that* windy when I left that afternoon, so I didn’t fly away! And my boss forgot that he scheduled me for an hour less than my coworkers for whatever reason, so I wouldn’t have had anyone to keep me grounded, anyway.)

Unfiltered Story #264592

, , | Unfiltered | August 2, 2022

My friend and I were waiting for the bus when we saw a lady walking down the sidewalk.

My friend and I: Good Morning. How are you?

Lady: (Aggressively) Do you have a stick up your butt?

It was such an off-putting comment that my friend and I just looked at each other in shock. If you are having a bad day don’t take it out on others. Even less kids who are just trying to be nice.

Unfiltered Story #264590

, , , | Unfiltered | August 2, 2022

(The company that I work at deals with sensitive information, so the employee areas are completely separate from the public. Visitors have to be approved by management, and escorted to ensure they don’t see anything they shouldn’t.

About a month ago, a new girl was hired in our department. She was young, but enthusastic and hard-working, so she fit into the team pretty well. On this particular day, I was walking back from lunch, and I heard a bunch of laughter from her cubicle. I poked my head in as I passed, and I saw three other guys there with her, none of whom I recognized.)

New Hire: Oh, hey [My Name]!

Me: Hi [New Hire]. Hello all.

(They all returned the greeting.)

Me: What teams are you guys from? I don’t think we’ve been introduced.

New Hire: *laughing* Oh, they don’t work here. They’re just some friends that stopped by to hang out.

(Massive alarm bells started going off in my head.)

Me: That’s… not really allowed. If you want to hang out with people at lunch, you need to do it down in the cafe area.

New Hire: *waves her hand* Aw, it’s fine. They’re cool.

(I notice that one of the guys is actually using her computer, and is paging through some reports that I know contain sensitive information.)

Me: Hey!

(I step forward, and reach around to turn off the screen. All of them have stood up at this point, and the new hire looks upset, while the guys all look smug.)

New Hire: What are you doing?!

Me: They need to leave. They are not authorized to see the stuff you’re working on, and you can get in serious trouble for letting them.

(One of the guys speaks up at that point, literally popping his knuckles while doing so.)

Guy: I think you’re the one who needs to leave. We’re just hanging out.

Me: And you can do that outside.

(The guy takes a step towards me, trying to be menacing, which is when the supervisor for another team shows up, having heard the raised voices.)

Supervisor: Hello, hello. What’s going on? I could hear you down the hall.

(At that point, things got a bit loud, as both the girl and I started speaking at the same time, and one of the other guys tried piping in to back the girl up. She started throwing accusations about me being jealous (I’m gay, so that’s a no), and more people ended up getting called in. Our actual manager got informed, and pretty much blew his top when he found out that she had snuck in several people over the past week or so. He flat out told her to go home, and that HR would be in contact to let her know whether she’d be coming in tomorrow or in the future.

She did end up getting fired over the whole thing, and it just barely avoided actually going to lawsuits over the data breach. What makes it worse is that there is security training that you need to go through before you start working, and this exact scenario is brought up several times, with it being explicitly called out as not okay, and being a fireable offense.