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Unfiltered Story #264598

, , , | Unfiltered | August 2, 2022

I am trying to deliver a pizza to a very nice customer, but after knocking several times they haven’t answered the door, so I call the number listed on the delivery ticket.

Guy: Hello?

Me: Hi, this is (name) from (pizza place). I have your delivery ready.

Guy: And?

Me: I have your delivery ready.

Guy: AND?!

Me: I’m at your door, sir.

Guy: No you’re not.

Me: Is your apartment number not (number)?

Guy: I can see my door from here.

Me: What is your apartment number?

Guy: You’re not! I can see my door from here!

Me: Your address is (address), correct?

Guy: No.

Me: … Can you give me your correct address, please?

Guy: No.

Me: Sir, I-

Guy: You can’t have my address. You called the wrong number. *click*

The actual customer did call back later to get her pizza and apologized for the incorrect phone number. She left a good tip, and I’m glad she wasn’t upset by the incident. I still have no idea what was going through the other guy’s head.

Question of the Week

Have you ever served a bad customer who got what they deserved?

I have a story to share!