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Untouched and raw stories: unedited, uncensored, unformatted, and sometimes unbelievable!

Unfiltered Story #274314

, | Unfiltered | December 14, 2022

This was just after Frozen 2 was released in theaters. My friends and I were talking about the famous scene when Olaf was lost. Afterwards we decided to make a stop at a mutual friend’s to visit. Friend 1 went in to check while the rest of us waits in the car. She came out and looks like she looks like she’s about to laugh.

Friend 1: “Friend 2 wasn’t home, her grandma was. When she saw me she called me, Samantha.”

That’s not her name. We started giggling as this was what we were talking about not that long ago.

Me: Were you tempted to say ‘I don’t know a Samantha?”

Which was technically the truth which made us lose it even more.

Unfiltered Story #274312

, , , | Unfiltered | December 14, 2022

(My roommate sees me coming out of the bathroom)

Roommate: What the…? You don’t look any different.

Me: Huh?

Roommate: It sounded like you were using a beard trimmer in there.

Me: Oh… yeah… I, um, wasn’t trimming my beard.

Roommate: Oh? *realization sinks in* Ooooohhhhh!

Unfiltered Story #274310

, , | Unfiltered | December 14, 2022

(I’m at work one day and it is very slow. I get a phone call on the work phone and answer it)

Lady: “your car is parked too close to mine and I can’t get in you need to move your car”

(I work at a small business and many people know what my car as well as other employees cars look like)

Me: “ok I’ll be out in a second”

(I inform my boss that I need to move my car and go outside. When I go outside, the lady starts complaining about how she can’t get in her car blah blah. When I had arrived earlier, she was parked crooked and not lined up with the sign she was parked at. She is a terrible driver and always parks horribly. I had left enough space for her to get in and out of her car, but I understand not wanting to attempt to get in and scratch my door. I calmly start to explain to her that when she parks she needs to line up with the sign so that she’s straight. She interrupts me saying:)

Lady: well your not even lined up with the line!

(She points to the drivers side of my car [she was on my passengers side].

Me: what are you talking about? There are no lines.

(The lady keeps complaining to herself and is saying how I’m so rude blah blah. Eventually I had enough and say)

Me: ok whatever.

(I get back in my car and hear her still complaining. As I’m backing up she walks between our cars and I stop suddenly. She gets in her car and leaves. I repark and go back inside. I am taking food out to a dine in when the phone rings and my boss, who doesn’t speak good English answers. I hear him say the owner isn’t in, wait a few seconds, then hang up. After I give my dine in the food, the phone rings again and I answer it. It’s the lady again and she says something I can’t understand so I ask her again.

Lady: can I speak to (name that isn’t remotely close to any of our employees or the owner)

Me: who?

Lady: *click*

(I get not being able to get in your car easily, but I wasn’t trying to be rude, I was merely trying to help her learn to park better.)

Unfiltered Story #274308

, , | Unfiltered | December 14, 2022

(I’m babysitting a four-year-old and for whatever reason he’s decided that today’s “hilarious” joke is going to be licking me. Once on the neck… Then on the arm… Then on my other arm… You get the picture. Each time my warnings get a little more serious until I finally tell him that if he doesn’t stop, I’ll tell his mom what he’s been doing. He stares at me for a second and then… Yep. Licked me again. His mom comes into the room a few minutes later:)

Mom: “How was today?”

Me: “Mostly good, but [Boy], what did I say I was going to tell your mom?”

Boy: “Mama I was so good today!”

Mom: “That’s great!”

Me: *eyebrow raised*

Mom: “Wait, was he not good today??”

Boy: *giggling*

Me: “Well, he decided to lick me. A lot.”

Mom: “[Boy]! You can’t lick people!!”

Boy: *still laughing*

Kids are so fun!

Unfiltered Story #274306

, , , | Unfiltered | December 14, 2022

My sister’s apartment has a beautiful view of Miami out of the big living room window. It faces east, meaning they get to see the sunrise every day. One early morning she and her two-and-a-half year old son are sitting on the couch, and he turns to her, his expression changing to total amazement. Wide-eyed, he says, “Mama you have sunrise on your face!”

That may be the sweetest thing I’ve ever heard him say.