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The (H)owling

, | Right | May 18, 2012

(I call a customer because her order has arrived.)

Me: “Good morning, this is [Store]. Your owl has arrived. You can pick him up at your convenience.”

Customer: “Great! I’ll come by today!”

Me: “If you need any advice, you can call us any time.”

Customer: “Oh, but I’ve read up on owls. Raw meat every day and walks twice a day! And buy earplugs before every full moon!”

Me: “Um, ma’am, you know it’s a bird, right?”

Some Brains Are Less Absorbent Than Others

, , , , | Working | May 16, 2012

(This happened during one of our new hire’s first shifts. We are beginning to see that it isn’t going to work out.)

Coworker: *shouting from the back of the store* “Uh, we have a problem!”

Me: “What happened?!”

Coworker: “I spilled the mop bucket all over the floor.”

Me: “Oh, that’s not a big deal. I thought you hurt yourself or something.”

Coworker: “How do I clean it up?”

Me: “…With the mop?”

Coworker: “Oh, okay!”

(Fifteen minutes later, I go investigate why my coworker hasn’t reappeared and find water still all over the floor.)

Me: “I thought you cleaned this up.”

Coworker: “The mop stopped soaking up the water, so I used a whole roll of paper towels!”

Me: *facepalm*

Don’t Wake The Fishies

, , , | Right | May 1, 2012

(The phone rings. I am on the sales floor in front of our tanks of fish for sale.)

Caller: “Hi, I need you to get on the computer and look up what fish you have and how much they are.”

Me: “I’d be glad to help you out. I’m standing right in front of the fish, so I can actually tell you right now how much they are and how many we have.”

Caller: “No, I need you to get on the computer and look it up. I can’t easily come down to the store, so I want to see how many of each fish you have and what the price is.”

Me: “What species were you looking for? I can just look and tell you how many we have and what the price is. It will be faster and more accurate than the inventory program, which I don’t have access to anyway.”

Caller: “You can’t get on the computer?”

Me: “No, ma’am, but I’d be happy to just look at the fish themselves. I can see how many we have in stock and give you the prices. What species were you looking for?”

Caller: “Never mind!” *hangs up*

Me: *speechless*

Does This Mean I Need A Water Stone

, , , | Right | March 18, 2012

(I am helping a man at the fish department when this happens.)

Customer: “So, goldfish evolve into koi when they outgrow their tank…”

(I look at him waiting for him to say he’s joking, but he’s completely serious.)

Me: “It’s a fish, sir, not a pokémon.”

This story is part of our Pokémon roundup!

Read the next Pokémon Roundup story!

Read the Pokémon Roundup!

Something Smells Fishy, Part 2

, , , , | Right | March 10, 2012

(I’m working in the pet department, cleaning out the dead fish in the tanks. A small girl, probably about five or six, approaches me.)

Girl: “Are you taking care of the fish?”

Me: “Yes, I am.”

Girl: *noticing the dead fish* “There’s a dead fish in there!”

Me: “Yeah, I’m taking care of the dead fish.”

Girl: “What are you doing with the dead fish?!”

Me: “No, I’m—”


(Thankfully, the mother comes and grabs her, apologizes profusely, and quickly walks away.)