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Great stories from our entire backlog!

Blind To His Pain

| Working | August 27, 2013

(I’m a lifeguard, and I’m working the top of the large waterslide. The other lifeguard is at the bottom, and is supposed to monitor the kids when they get to the bottom. I watch a kid get to the bottom of the slide, and it appears he has banged his head pretty violently as he is now holding his head in obvious pain.)

Me: *using a walkie* “Hey [Coworker], could you check to see if the kid who just came out of slide two is okay? It looked like he hit his head pretty good.”

Coworker: “Ugh, where’s this kid?”

Me: “The kid that just came out of slide two.”

Coworker: “I don’t see any kid.”

Me: “He’s the kid that’s holding his head, and sitting in your peripheral vision on the ground literally two feet in front of you!”

Coworker: “Oh.”

Canada: America’s Hat, Part 5

, , , , | Right | January 12, 2012

(This is during the 2008 primaries. Our library has been set up as an early voting center. We have information sheets to help the voters make their choices.)

Customer: “I just don’t know what I should do. These things are so confusing. Who did you vote for?”

Me: “I didn’t vote.”

Customer: “That’s what’s wrong with you young people today. No ethics.”

Me: “You misunderstand. I didn’t vote because I can’t vote.”

Customer: *shocked* “Oh MY GOD! You’re a FELON? Why would they let a FELON work here?”

Me: “No, ma’am. No. I’m not a citizen.”

Customer: “Oh. You’re just saying that aren’t you?”

Me: “No, ma’am. I’m not a citizen. Would you like to see my green card?”

Customer: “So, you’re from Canada?”

Me: “No, I’m from Europe.”

Customer: “That’s in Canada, isn’t it?”

Only In LA

, , , , | Right | July 7, 2008

(This is an adult store in Los Angeles. Enter a fat, balding guy in his 40s.)

Guy: “Hello, Miss.”

Me: “Good morning.”

Guy: “Do you have any–HOLY S***! You’re a girl!”

Me: “I am?”

Guy: “Shouldn’t you be at home, getting ready for your husband, cooking or something?”

Me: “I burn salads. My WIFE tends to cook more.”

Guy: “Holy s***! You’re a heathen!”

Me: “Doom upon me. What was it you wanted?”

Guy: “Whatever. Got any Bibles?”

Got The Meat And Potatoes Of The Meaning

| Working | April 3, 2014

(My Muslim coworker from Bangladesh has brought in food for lunch for our group. Afterwards she and I are talking about ethnic foods and meat content. She brought up how a lot of Indian food doesn’t have meat because the Muslim population doesn’t eat pork and the Hindu population doesn’t eat beef.)

Me: “Yeah, Indian is the only type of food that I really enjoy vegetarian entrees. Most other foods are boring without meat.”

Coworker: “Oh, I know! I can’t eat a meal without meat in it!”

Me: “Yeah. Me, too. I’m a cannibal.”

(There is what feels like a long pause as I realize what I said, when what I’d meant to say was carnivore. Embarrassed beyond belief, and hoping nobody in our very open environment overheard and thought I was serious, she asks:)

Coworker: “Cannibal means you eat meat, right?”

(English is not her native language, and I can understand how cannibal might not be in her vocabulary yet. I quickly correct myself and explain the meaning of carnivore vs. cannibal, with a little explanation of herbivore and omnivore for good measure. Once I finally shut up and look to see if she understands, she comes up with the best response possible.)

Coworker: “Well, it’s still meat.”

Some Stupidity Is A Hard Nut To Crack

| Right | October 1, 2014

(After serving a very difficult table, I am happy they are on dessert and leaving soon. As I go up to hand them the check:)

Customer: *as she literally spits out the mouthful* “Oh, my God, are there nuts in here?! I can’t eat nuts! They will break my teeth!”

Me: “Yes, ma’am, you ordered NUTS OVER CARAMEL ice cream.”

Customer: “I just thought that was the name of it. Why are there nuts in it?!”