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The Twilight Of Our Youth, Part 3

| Romantic | December 17, 2011

(I’m away at college, texting my boyfriend. It’s a few weeks before I come home to visit.)

Boyfriend: “We need to see a movie when you come home. You can pick this time.”

Me: “Alright. I can tell you right now it won’t be the new Twilight movie.”

Boyfriend: *relieved* “Thank God, Allah, Buddha, Vishnu, and that bird thing from Egypt!”

(I knew I fell in love with this man for a reason.)

In The Twilight Of Their Youth, Part 2

, , , | Romantic | December 13, 2011

(I am getting a ride home from school from my friend’s grandma. I had been going out with a boy named Jacob for about a month, but then we broke up.)

Me: “Oh, look, there’s Jacob. He used to be my boyfriend.”

Friend’s Grandma: “You should’ve gone with Edward. Sorry, it had to be said.”

The Twilight Of Our Literacy, Part 8

, , , | Right | December 6, 2011

(I work in the electronics department of a large retail chain. This is back during the ‘Twilight’ craze.)

Customer: “Hello, I was looking to find the new Twilight.”

Me: “All of our Twilight movies are located over here. I can show you–”

Customer: “I need to find Breaking Dawn.”

Me: “Oh, well, our book department is this way–”

Customer: “No, no, no! I have the book already. I need the movie!”

Me: “Oh, I’m sorry, but Breaking Dawn doesn’t come out until Friday.”

Customer: “Oh, okay. I’ll just come back then.”

Me: “Ma’am, I meant it comes out in theaters on Friday.”

Customer: “So, you won’t have the DVD by Christmas?”

Me: “I’m sorry, no.”

Customer: “That’s just confusing! Why would the book come out before the movie?! It’s so weird!”

Less Twilight, More Daylight, Part 4

| Right | September 30, 2011

(I’m giving a jobseeker the email address of our recruiter. Note that this jobseeker is male.)

Me: “That’s L, V as in Victor, E as in echo.”

(He repeats the email address back to me.)

Caller: “That’s L as in love, V as in valentine, E as in Edward, and S as in Sam.”

Me: “Um, yeah.”

The Twilight Of Our Literacy, Part 7

| Learning | September 29, 2011

(I hand out a vocabulary list to a class of eight-nine-year-olds.)

Me: “Does anyone know any of the words?”

Student: “I know what twilight means!”

Me: “Go on, tell us what you think it means.”

Student: “Actually, I’m not completely sure, but it’s got something to do with vampires…”

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