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Bad boss and coworker stories

If Only She Could Hear Herself

| Working | May 5, 2014

(As I’m sitting at my desk talking to a coworker, her phone rings.)

Coworker: “Shh! Be quiet; the phone is ringing!”

(My coworker then lets it ring until it stops.)

Me: “Why did you ask me to be quiet if you weren’t going to answer it?”

Coworker: “I didn’t want them to know I was here.”

Doesn’t Have A Nose For It

| Working | May 4, 2014

(Two coworkers and I are talking about the latest wave of colds coming around. Coworker #1 has a very stuffed up nose.)

Coworker #1: “I can’t even breathe through my nose, I’m so stuffed up.”

Coworker #2: “But you can still breathe, right?”

Me: “No, [Coworker #1]’s a zombie right now.”

Not Driving To The Point

, , , , , | Working | May 4, 2014

(I work in an area very well-known for our inclement weather. A blizzard has just hit our region, and the county has declared a state of emergency. Many of the surrounding towns have issued driving bans. I am able to get to work early, but due to the restrictions and weather, many of my coworkers are not.)

Me: “Thank you for calling [Fitness Center]. This is [My Name]. How may I direct your call?”

Caller: “Is [Operations Manager] there?”

Me: “No, I’m sorry. She isn’t here today.”

Caller: “Is [General Manager] there?”

Me: “No, I’m sorry. He isn’t here, either.”

Caller: “This is [Coworker]. Why is nobody there today?”

Me: “Because of the driving ban? It is illegal for them to drive here right now.”

Caller: “Oh… that’s why I’m calling. There is a driving ban and I don’t think I can drive to work tonight.”

Me: “…”

This story is part of our Chilly Weather Roundup!

Read the next Chilly Weather Roundup story!

Read the Chilly Weather Roundup!

There Is Life After Love(making)

| Working | May 3, 2014

(It’s early afternoon, and loads of children are around with their families. A rap song starts, with REALLY clear lyrics about explicit and hardcore sex.)

Me: “Are you serious? With children around?”

DJ: *confusion*

Me: “This song is about sex. F*****g! Serious f*****g! Naked people. Marriage stuff!”

DJ: “Oh!”

(He quickly puts on Cher!)

Taxing Faxing, Part 14

| Working | May 3, 2014

(I not only have an IT-related degree, but am considered very tech savvy by my colleagues.)

Me: “[Hotel]. How can I help?”

Customer: “Yeah, I asked for a fax to be sent to me. I have received it but some of the details are missing.”

(The fax is timesheets for agency workers and the employees have not filled in all the details.)

Me: “Oh, I’m sorry. If you could fax that back to me I’ll get it completed.”

Customer: “Uh, fax it back?”

Me: “Yes, please. The fax is now with you so I need them back for the rest of the details.”

(There is a pause and I slowly realise what I have said.)

Me: “Er, I’m sorry; it’s been a long day. I’ll get those to you as soon as I can.”

Customer: *laughs uncontrollably*