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Untouched and raw stories: unedited, uncensored, unformatted, and sometimes unbelievable!

Unfiltered Story #271137

, | Unfiltered | March 17, 2023

(My bf has called me to say goodnight as he often does when I’m stressed/sick. My dad recently was in the hospital, so its safe to say I’ve had very little sleep recently.)
Me:*trying to say I love you baby* “I love you buddy.”
Him: “……..”
Him: “Was I just friend zoned by my own girlfriend?”
Me: *bursts into uncontrollable laughter*
(Safe to say I went to bed shortly after and got a goodnight rest. He still teases me about this, and brought me my favorite expensive chocolate and a stuffed panda. I think he’s a keeper!)

Unfiltered Story #271148

, , | Unfiltered | March 17, 2023

This occurs during fencing club training. One of the veteran fencers was fencing a newbie, and the newbie just got stabbed in the groin. The rest of the fencers; me, another veteran fencer and his opponent are all looking at him while suppressing laughter.

Newbie: *rolling on the floor in pain* F*ck! Is that even legal!

Opponent: Yeah, the d*ck is in the accepted target zone for both foil and epee.

Veteran: Uh huh, perfectly viable tactic.

Newbie: *Still clutching his family jewels on the floor* Seriously?

Me: *slinging an arm over [Veteran]’s shoulder* Yep. And something tells me that all of three us love using that tactic.

[Veteran], [Opponent] and I all smile unrepentantly and nod, giving double thumbs up to [Newbie].

Newbie: *Betrayed voice* Isn’t that cowardly? Don’t you have pride as a man?

Me: Nope. I’m transgender. No such thing as male pride.

Opponent: Who cares as long as you win?

Veteran: I have, but that and winning are separate.

Newbie: *flips us off while still rolling on the floor, muttering Russian swear words*

Coach: *Walking out of supply closet* You know, I once had a student who got hit down there so many times and got very angry about it, so he would take one of these *shows us the plastic armour cup meant for girls to wear over their breast* and put it down there instead.

The coach puts the boob armour over his groin and thrusts it out proudly, all of us doubling over in laughter at the sight of him and the idea that someone was silly enough to do such a thing.

Coach: *unfazed by the hilarity* Anyone want to borrow this?

Newbie: *holds out hand* None of you say a damn thing. *receives cup from the coach* Especially to the girls!

We told the girls. They found the whole incident as hilarious as we did. [Newbie] has yet to live it down.

Unfiltered Story #271266

, , | Unfiltered | March 17, 2023

My husband and I are at an impromptu nice dinner, and we’re sitting near a sunny window, though the rest of the place is a bit shadowy.
Husband: You look so beautiful right now.
Me: Ha! I always look fantastic in candlelight and darkened rooms.
Husband pauses.
Husband: You are amazing in the dark.

Unfiltered Story #271297

, , , , | Unfiltered | March 17, 2023

I work for one of the largest supermarkets in the UK delivering groceries. About 4 months ago my store stopped issuing plastic bags without fail I will get multiple customers asking me the following every day.

Customer: I bet its annoying for you without the bags now?

So I get that its an attempt to make small talk be polite etc. but it actually so annoying at this point. most customers didnt bother with bags in the first place so it has never made a difference but having to have the same conversation where I say “haha yep, takes ages now” is slowly driving me insane. Yes it is annoying.. but only because I have literally had the same conversation hundreds of times. It’s been months please find ANYTHING else to talk about

Unfiltered Story #271309

, , , | Unfiltered | March 17, 2023

*When I was a freshman in high school, I had an incident with my dog and ended up needing to get 18 stitches on my nose (not my face, my *nose*). It was a complete accident and basically a matter of wrong place, wrong time, but still, 18 stitches. On my nose. This happened on a Friday night. I walk into one of my classes Monday morning:*

Teacher: *does a double take and comes over to me* What happened to you? Did you lose a fight with your cat?

Me: No, dog bit me

*The doctor had told me to stay out of the sun/not spend extended periods of time outside while I had the stitches in, unless I was able to cover it. Granted, it was February when it happened, but I still had a PE class that was outside.*

Me: [teacher], I’m not supposed to be outside without a hat. Can I wear one or my hood while we’re on the track?

Teacher: No, but come here. *I follow her to the emergency response container and she gives me a giant gauze pad* Tape this over your nose

Me: …*takes gauze and heads back to the track*

*I had to have the stitches in for a week. During that time, I wasn’t able to wash my face and had difficulties washing my hair. The day after I got them removed, we were up at my grandma’s*

Mom: All things considered, they did a great job. The doctor didn’t even think it was going to scar that badly, if at all

Grandma: *comes and gets up in my face that’s kind of a mess* She needs to take better care of her face. The skin’s all greasy and she’s breaking out. You need to wash your face more.

Mom: [Grandma’s name]! That is not ok! She’s been doing what she could, but she just had stitches removed!

Grandma: But she still needs to wash her face

Mom: You were a nurse. Tell me: Can a patient with stitches in their face was their face with the stitches in?

Grandma: …Well, not normally

Mom: There you go