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Untouched and raw stories: unedited, uncensored, unformatted, and sometimes unbelievable!

Unfiltered Story #204347

, , | Unfiltered | August 8, 2020

(I’m a 22 year old male with a semi- high pitched voice and I was put on drive thru for the night)

Me: Welcome to Wendy’s. Order whenever you’re ready.

Customer: I would like [order]… and add some fries please.

Me: Your total is [total]. Please pull up to the first window.

Customer: Thank you, ma’am!

The customer pulls up to the window and sees that I am a 6 foot tall male. He is visibly embarrassed as he hands me his card. I’m holding back laughter as I ring him up.

Me: Have a nice night, sir.

Unfiltered Story #204345

, | Unfiltered | August 8, 2020

(I work in a cafe that sells milk tea. The following exchange occurs when my boss is calling order numbers)
Customer: *comes to pick up drink and notices the small sign that says we sell tea eggs, which are basically hard boiled eggs steeped in tea and spices* Oh, you sell tea eggs?
Boss: Yeah, would you like one?
Customer: Sure, I’ll give them a try.
(My boss goes to get the eggs. They’re in one of those electric pots that keeps them warm, and we take them out and put them in small paper bags when a customer wants some)
Boss: Here you go. (hands paper bag to customer, who looks confused)
Customer: I thought you put them in the drinks? (gestures to their drink)
Boss: …
(Why the customer thought we put hard boiled eggs into the drink cups along with the actual drink still baffles me.)

Unfiltered Story #204343

, | Unfiltered | August 8, 2020

(I work in a retail store that sells toys,gifts and gadgets, next door is a gift store with similar products. They were closing down so had 50% off everything)

Customer: ” next door they have 50% off their Harry Potter items will you price match?”
Me: “unfortunately we can’t as their discount is due to them closing down”
Customer ” I really think you should price match”
Me: “it’s not my decision to price match unfortunately as it’s not company policy, you are honestly best getting it next door if you want it for that price”
Customer” ow they don’t have this glass only ones similar”
So it’s not a price match Really if it’s not the same product now is it?

Unfiltered Story #204341

, , | Unfiltered | August 8, 2020

(I work at a laser tag center, where we do parties and the like. A group of rowdy boys shows up for a birthday party, with a girl who looks to be a younger sister of the birthday boy. She seems sweet, girly, and unassuming, registering under the the nickname “Sparkles”. The boys are around 15, while the girl looks 13.)

Boy: Look at the b**** playin’ laser tag, d*** those t**s gonna jiggle when she runs!

Sparkles: Please don’t talk about me that way. It really just makes you sound like a complete idiot.

Boy: D***, she’s callin’ us idiots? Least she’s hot, when we’re done I’ll bang her fat a** in the parking lot.

Brother: Dude, that’s really gross. Don’t talk about my sister that way.

Boy: Whatever. Little b**** still good to f***.

(He continued on like this throughout the entire waiting period. Since the boy wasn’t physically doing anything, we couldn’t interject, but I still felt horrible as I ushered then in to get their gear, and reported the incident to my manager. Later, we were passing out certificates to the participants based on however many people they shot. Guess which sparkly friend got first place, and guess who else got banned from ever playing laser tag at any of our branches?)

Unfiltered Story #204339

, , | Unfiltered | August 8, 2020

My husband and I are currently in line at a popular Chinese food buffet. A few places ahead of us is a woman, who’d already chosen white rice for her meal. Directly in front of her place is a huge bowl of orange chicken, easily twice the size of the rest of the food portions available.

Server: What can I get you?

Woman: Do you have any orange chicken?

I can’t help but stare at that. The first time I’ve seen “extra stupid” in action. Apparently the server has seen it many times before, however, as she just said “yes” and proceeded with the order without pause. Kudos to you, server lady.