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Untouched and raw stories: unedited, uncensored, unformatted, and sometimes unbelievable!

Unfiltered Story #201372

, , | Unfiltered | July 23, 2020

briefly worked for an independently owned fast food franchise and on my first day a lady ordered an “All American” meal which was not in the register or listed on our menu. I was desperately trying not to argue with her but I didnt know what she wanted and she refused to tell me. I was all alone at the drive thru register in the back freaking out & getting yelled at while I tried to ask questions to figure out what she wanted (“I want the All American!!”) when eventually someone up front started wondering why I was taking so long & came to the back. Turns out an “All American” is a made-up meal at this specific franchise consisting of a plain hamburger, with a small fry and a small drink. Why the woman herself didn’t just tell me she wanted a plain hamburger with a small fry and small drink, I will never know.

Unfiltered Story #201370

, , | Unfiltered | July 23, 2020

(I used to work at a Potato Jacket shop modeled after the ones in Europe. That said, we are extremely unique compared to what else the city has and get pleanty of tourists and locals curious about the food. This particular day was slow and I was cleaning the dining area. Only one elderly couple is there at the time and the song “Chasing Cars” by Snow Patrol comes on.)

Elderly woman to her husband: Oh I like this song, but I don’t know what it’s called!

Husband: Just as that young lady over there. *points to me, obviously jist wanting to enjoy his food*

Wife: Excuse me, do you know ehat this song is?

Me: Yeah, it’s “Chasing Cars” by Snow Patrol.

Wife: Oh! Do you know who it’s by?

Me: … The band is called Snow Patrol.

Wife: So you don’t know who it’s by?

(I proceeded to tell her twice more before giving up and just writing out the song and artist onto a napkin and giving it to her. The husband did apologize behind her back though.)

Unfiltered Story #201368

, | Unfiltered | July 23, 2020

I’m planning to meet up with my friend to go see Fantastic Beasts. I had planned to go for an early showing, but it turned out, this showing didn’t exist. It turned out that I had been looking at the wrong site for the cinema times and the next showing was going to be an hour later.
My friend an I weren’t too bothered honestly, since it wasn’t much time and we had no other plans, but the guy at the counter went to the trouble of giving us both discounts, premium seats and offering us free coffee!
He really didn’t have to go to so much trouble over something so small, and what was ultimately my fault, but it was very sweet of him and my hat goes off to him, where ever he may be.

Unfiltered Story #201366

, , | Unfiltered | July 22, 2020

The store I work at will occasionally have a Super Double Coupon Week where all coupons up to $2 double. However, there is a 20 coupon limit per Store card per day. Many customers will try and get around it or they may not be aware of the rules, so I try and make them aware as soon as I see they have coupons. Also, if a customer buys too many of a particular item, or if I have to void out a certain amount of items, a manager has to come and override the transaction to tell the computer that the amount of items the customer is getting is correct.

This story takes place during my first Super Double Coupon Week. A woman came through my lane with an overflowing cart of things and a large handful of coupons. I start scanning coupons and it’s then that I remember the 20 coupon limit. She has me get a manager to void the whole transaction and start over. She stands there, slowly picking out which coupons she wants to use, and as she decides, the manager has to look through all the bags to find the items that match the coupon. Somehow, she miscounts her coupons, so we have to void the whole thing AGAIN and start all over. This time, I take all the coupons and triple count them to make sure she has 20 before I start scanning them. Needless to say, I needed an override at the end of it.

Unfiltered Story #201362

, , | Unfiltered | July 22, 2020

(I work in a grocery store. A customer walks past me to grab a cart. Note: I have bright purple dyed hair.)
Customer: (turns around to stare at me, starts laughing hysterically and pointing at me.)
Me: “Can I help you, ma’am?”
(Customer reaches out and grabs my hair.)
Customer: “YOU don’t even notice a difference, do you?”
Me: “…what?”
(She grabs her cart and storms past me.)
Customer: “Well exCUUUSE ME!”
Me: “…what?”