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Untouched and raw stories: unedited, uncensored, unformatted, and sometimes unbelievable!

Unfiltered Story #271305

, , , | Unfiltered | November 4, 2022

(I like to listen to my own music while I work at my desk. I have it quiet and it’s a mix of artists, including NSP and Skillet with some Disney in there (all my coworkers know I’m a HUGE Disney nerd as I grew up on it). One day, the song “Lost in the Woods” from Frozen 2 is playing and my coworker passes my area (my desk is right next to the printers). She’s doing her thing with placing orders on a shelf to get printing and checking new approved orders. She looks over to me as she had been listening to the song.)

Coworker: What is it you’re listening to?

Me: *looks over to her, straight faced and deadly serious* The Frozen 2 Soundtrack.

(She takes a second to register it before busting out laughing. Even the printer was cracking up. Apparently she wasn’t expecting that. I tell her my playlist on Amazon Music is a mix and it just so happened to be that song. I love my coworkers so much.)

Unfiltered Story #271303

, | Unfiltered | November 4, 2022

(Me and my dad are talking to somebody we don’t know too well. I don’t remember the circumstances but the person mentions a date, probably their birthday or something)

Dad: “hey that’s just a few days away from my grandsons birthday!”

Me: “um dad that’s your daughter’s birthday”

Unfiltered Story #271301

, , | Unfiltered | November 4, 2022

I have just begun a new job as a delivery driver for a large international online shopping company. Being winter in upstate NY, the weather is bound to get bad. While I appreciate the thought, I get several variations of “What are you doing out in this weather?!”
Sorry, your orders matter more than the road conditions.

Unfiltered Story #271299

, | Unfiltered | November 4, 2022

I am an American teaching English in China. I am working with a high level class for the 7-10 age group. Despite their relatively good understanding of English, there are still a few common English words they don’t know. During class, a 9-year-old girl comes up to me.

Student: “[My Name]! I have to… um….” *imitates sounds of deification with her mouth*

Me: “You may go.”

She leaves and a few minutes later, she runs back into the classroom.

Me: “[Student], did you wash your hands?”

Student: *Immediately turns around and runs back out of the classroom*

Unfiltered Story #271295

, | Unfiltered | November 4, 2022

(I work at a hospital enquiries desk in the middle of a large open foyer with multiple entry points. People present to my desk from all different angels and I don’t often see which. I have a variation of this conversation almost daily)

Visitor: Hi. I’m looking for (department)

Me: Sure! (Gives directions)

Visitor: Oh, so where I just came from?

Me: …. Maybe?