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At Least When They’re On Their Smartphones, They’re Not On The Work Phones!

, , , , , , , , , | Working | December 30, 2023

This story is from the late 1970s when I was about eighteen or nineteen years old. This was long before you could check on movie schedules and showtimes online. I called the movie theater one afternoon to check the start times for movies for that evening. Each time I called, I got a busy signal, which was a bit unusual, especially for mid-afternoon on a weekday. I’d wait a minute or two and try again. Still getting a busy signal, I tried waiting a few minutes between tries but still got a busy signal.

Finally, after a good twenty minutes and more than a dozen attempts, I tried yet again. I got a busy signal, but this time only for a second or two. Then, I heard a click, and I found myself connected to a call between what sounded like two teenage girls just chatting on the phone, one of whom was working at the theater. I sat there, at first surprised at this glitch that somehow tied me into an existing phone call, and then fuming that this girl had spent who knows how long holding up the phone line from customers like me by chatting with her friend.

I listened in for a few seconds and heard this mundane conversation.

Theater Teen: “Yeah, I’m on until the last movie starts tonight, and then I’ll be off, probably a little after ten.”

Other Teen: “Geez, that makes a for a long day. Does [Friend] still work with you there?”

Theater Teen: “No, she left here almost two weeks ago. She got a job at that dress store at the mall. She just started last week. She loves it because gets, like, a really big employee discount!”

Other Teen: “Man, I should try that. I spend so much on clothes; I could use a discount!”

Theater Teen: “Oh, you don’t need to tell me! I spend half my check on clothes and makeup and stuff! So, what else is new?”

Other Teen: “Oh, not much. I have stinkin’ ton of homework to get through tonight, though. Every teacher just piled on their own homework. Don’t they ever consider that other teachers give homework, too? My God!”

Theater Teen: “Yeah, I know, like they’re the only teacher who gives out homework.”

At that point, I’m aggravated that I couldn’t get through to the theater for the past tenty minutes because of THIS. So, I decide to have a little fun. I put on my best “manager voice”.

Me: “Young lady, are you on that phone again holding up the lines? You march yourself into my office right this instant!”

Theater Teen: “Oh, Mr. Jones, ah, I’m, ah, sorry! I’ll be right there.”

Other Teen: “Oh, my gawd, I hope you’re not in too much trouble! Oh, s***! Call me later!”

Theater Teen: “Oh, no, I… I don’t know. I thought he was busy checking the theaters out! Crap! I’d better go!”

They hung up, and I started laughing for a few minutes before I called back. A guy answered the phone this time, and I found out the times in just a minute. Nasty little trick, I know, but hey, I got her off the d*** phone!

Lesson learned, I hope!

Question of the Week

Have you ever served a bad customer who got what they deserved?

I have a story to share!