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You Never Know When Nana’s Watching!

, , , , , , , , | Right | June 16, 2023

I’m working at a bank branch that’s not in the greatest neighborhood, but I still enjoy working there because the customers are so nice. I’m a female in my twenties, but due to my baby face, I look much younger. A kid who doesn’t look any older than eighteen swaggers up to the line.

Me: “Hi there. How can I help you?”

The customer flings his card on the counter.

Customer: “Get me my cash now! I got places to be.”

Me: “Sure thing. How much do you need today?”

Customer:All of it!”

Me: “Now, just so you know, if you take everything out, the account will close—”

Customer: “Did I ask what you think? Gimme my money! Now!”

The customer behind him, a petite woman in her sixties, reaches up and SMACKS the back of his head.

Customer: “OW! What the h***?!” *Turns around* “Nana?!”

Nana: “Just what do you think you’re doin’, child?”

Customer: “Just… gettin’ some money.”

Nana: “Not like that! Your momma and I did not raise you to be rude, especially in my bank! These girls are always nice to me, and you need to respect them!”

Customer: “But, Nana—”

Nana:No! You will apologize to this young lady!”

Customer: *To me* “I’m sorry, ma’am. It’s been a bad day.”

Nana: “It’s about to get worse for you, [Customer]! Sit your behind down while I get my money.”

Customer: “But, Nana—”

Nana: “No! You will come back another day when you can be polite. Sit!

He meekly sits in the waiting area.

Nana: “Now, honey, can you please withdraw $100 from my account? Here’s my ID.”

I count back her cash while fighting the urge to laugh.

Me: “You have a nice day, ma’am!”

Nana: “Oh, you, too, sugar. I’m sorry for my grandson; he was raised better than that.”

Me: *Still fighting the urge to laugh* “Don’t worry about it!”

Nana: “Aren’t you sweet?!” *To her grandson* “You, sir, will march to my car. Just wait until I tell your momma!”

Customer: “No! Please don’t tell her!”

Nana: “MARCH!”

She pushed him out the door, continuing to rain threats on him. He came in a few days later for his cash, as meek and polite as could be!

Question of the Week

Have you ever served a bad customer who got what they deserved?

I have a story to share!