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Bad boss and coworker stories

Late Night Burgers Come From Cash Cows

, | Working | November 28, 2013

(It’s about 2 am. I pull up to a surprisingly busy drive through and place my order.)

Employee: “Cash or Credit?”

Me: “Credit.”

Employee: “Okay. Please drive through.”

(At the next window I hand the employee my credit card. He takes it from me.)

Employee: “Sorry, the machine is turned off for the night. You have to pay cash.”

Me: “I don’t have any cash on me. Why did you ask ‘cash or credit’ if the machine is turned off?”

Employee: “We just turned it off a couple of minutes ago. It must have still been on when they asked.”

Me: “But why turn it off at all?”

Employee: “That’s our policy. We turn it off at this time every night. It can’t be turned back on until morning.”

Me: *giving up* “Well, okay. Just give me my card back so I can leave.”

Employee: “But you need to pay for your food!”

Me: “You haven’t given me any food and I don’t have cash. What do you want me to do?”

Employee: “I already processed your order. You have to pay for it!”

Me: “I can’t magically make cash appear. You can either turn the machine back on and use my card, or you can cancel my order and give me my card back. There’s no third option.”

Employee: “What if I gave you your card and you went to an ATM and got cash?”

Me: “Sure, that’s a great idea. Just give me my card.”

(He finally gives me my card back. I never went back to that restaurant.)

They Don’t Have This Down Pat

| Working | November 28, 2013

(I’m at a popular chain where your sandwich order is made in front of you on an assembly line.)

Me: “Hi, does the veggie $5 special come with a patty, or is it just—”

Employee #1: “What bread?”

Me: “Uh, whole meal, thanks. So that comes with a veggie pat—”

Employee #1: *to Employee #2* “Veggie special.”

Employee #2: “What salads?”

Me: “Lettuce and carrot, thanks. But just confirming, does that come with a patty or—”

Employee #2: *annoyed* “It’s coming. Toasted?”

Me: “Uh, yes.”

Employee #3: “Sauces?”

Me: “Um, barbecue please.”

(I see that my order still has no patty.)

Me: “Sorry, just want to know if that definitely comes with a patty?”

Employee #3: “Veggie patty?”

Me: “Yes.”

Employee #3: *impatiently* “Coming. $5, please pay at the counter.”

(I move along and try to pay Employee #4, while Employee #5 wraps up my order.)

Me: (to Employee #5) “Sorry, I know I’m being annoying but just checking that my order has a veggie patty?”

Employee #4: “It doesn’t come with a patty. It’s just salads.”

Me: “I asked every single person as they were making my order and they said it was coming.”

Employee #5: “You want a patty?”

Me: “Yes!”

Employee #4: “$6.50, please.”

Me: “What?”

Employee #4:“The special doesn’t include a patty.”

Me: “…”

Fired Enquired The Hired

| Working | November 28, 2013

(It is my first day, and I’m in the back office. The door has a security code that only employees know. A female I assume works there enters using the code and stares at me for a while.)

Female: “Hey. Who. Are. You?”

Me: “I just got hired.”

Female: *stare* “Where’s… [Coworker’s Name]?”

Me: “She’s at lunch.”

(She stares at me for a long time, not saying anything. It’s beyond spooky. Then, abruptly, she leaves. A few minutes later, my coworker comes in.)

Coworker: “Hey.”

Me: “Hey, someone was looking for you.”

Coworker: “Oh really, who?”

Me: “She didn’t say. She had a really spooky, deadpan stare, and just asked where you were and I said at lunch. Then she stared some more and left.”

Coworker: “Who was it?! Are you lying?!”

(I described the way she looked and my coworker still looked dumbfounded. It turned out the spooky female used to work there but was fired a long time ago, yet still had the code!)

A False Senses Of Security

| Working | November 28, 2013

(I am a cashier working. I see two of our security guards making comments and pointing at two customers in line at my till. The guards usually tease people and I just get annoyed. Then I look closely at the customers and see one has scars on their face, so I call the guards over.)

Security Guard #1: “Yeah?”

Me: “Why were you laughing at these ladies?”

Security Guard #2: “Duh! Because they’re d***s?”

Me: “Even if that is true, the word is lesbian, and this young lady is scarred. Please apologize!”

Security Guard #1: “But they’re f****** d***s! They look awful! Two girls together, laughing and kissing. They’re SOOO d***s! They’re disgusting!”

Security Guard #2: *to customers* “Get out of here you weirdos! This is a GOOD store. We don’t want you soiling it!”

(Security Guard #1 pushes the customers’ bag of goods on the floor, stamps on it and even rips a dress they were going to buy. One of the customers looks very upset and begins crying, while the one with scars holds her.)

Me: *to Security Guard #1* “Stop that! I’m telling [Manager] about your homophobia.”

Customer: “Listen, it’s okay.”

(The customer with scars comes up to the security guards, folds their arms and looks straight at them.)

Security Guard #1: “Well, what is it?”

Customer with scars: “I’m a MAN. And that’s my girlfriend. So, no. I’m NOT a ‘d***’, and I’d prefer it if you paid for our stuff.”

(The guards are so shocked, they don’t do anything. I call the manager over. Not only does he make the guards pay for what they did, but he gives the customers a 75% off coupon.)

In Serious Need Of De-Cath

| Working | November 27, 2013

(I am on a medication that requires me to get blood work done every six months to check levels. I always go to the same lab with the same form from the same doctor. I have been doing this for three years, when I see a new front desk person.)

Me: “Hi. I’m all signed in. Here is my form. Do you need my insurance card?”

Front Desk Person: *without looking up* “Not if you’ve been here before. Go sit down. Someone will eventually call you in.”

(Before I can even sit, the front desk person YELLS across the room.)

Front Desk Person: “Hey! You, [My Name], get back up here! We can’t do this test! What the h*** are all these stupid-a** doctors sending you people here for? This is gross! When will they learn?! I’ve had to send 11 people out of here today. Every test description on the computer that I pull up says ‘catheter!’ Like, ‘EWW!’ You need to go to the hospital to get that! F****** morons!”

Me: “I think you may be misunderstanding this, ma’am. This is a blood lab. I only need blood drawn. I come here every six months for this. Can you ask someone else?”

(The front desk person clearly does not know catheters are not only used for voiding the bladder, but that there are other types, as used in a blood lab.)


(The phlebotomist who usually takes my blood hears the screaming and comes out.)

Phlebotomist: “Hey, what’s going on? Why are you screaming at my patient?
Front Desk Person: “Because she does not get that we can’t do anything for her. She needs to go to a hospital and get another doctor! Look!”

(The front desk person pulls up code for my blood draw on her computer.)

Front Desk Person: “I’ve already had to send 11 other people away today because their stupid-a** doctors can’t get that we don’t put catheters in people here! That’s just gross! Why come here!?”

Phlebotomist: What the h*** are you talking about? It’s just a blood draw! You do know that right? The word catheter does not only refer to one type! You sent away 11 people? That’s why it’s been dead here! What is wrong with you?!”

(The phlebotomist turns to me.)

Phlebotomist: “I’m so sorry about this. Come on in and I will get you done quick.”

Me: “Thanks! For a nurse she really is quite stupid, huh?”

Phlebotomist: “Nurse? No, she is not. Not even close! She told you that? I think it’s time for her to go.”

(I get my blood drawn and am leaving.)


Me: “Lady, you are wrong on so many levels.”

(Suddenly, I hear her paged to the back office by a really angry sounding voice.)

Me: “But have a nice day!”

Front Desk Person: “Shove it! You are wrong! You are going to die because your doctor is stupid! Get out! I have a very important meeting with the big boss right now! He just called me in.”

Me: “Yeah, good luck with that.”

(I leave and she continues to yell behind the door. Six months later I head back. The employees told me she was fired on the spot that day but never could understand why. They said security had to take her out and she was screaming about stupid doctors, stupid patients and how they don’t do catheters there!)