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Untouched and raw stories: unedited, uncensored, unformatted, and sometimes unbelievable!

Unfiltered Story #293634

, | Unfiltered | June 11, 2023

I work on a weighbridge checking trucks in and out with aggregate. We also serve everyday people. I get many many phone calls along the line of . ” how much for 3 or 4 rocks?” Me ” we sell by weight so its impossible to give you an amount” them ” just a rough guess then , 3 or 4 rocks about this size” i can only imagine they are moving their hands. me ” um, you know i can’t see you right?” Customer ” well just tell me how much per ton ?” Me ” it varies depending on the size” customer ” what if i just fill me trailer how much will that be ?” Me “😫 “

Unfiltered Story #293632

, , | Unfiltered | June 11, 2023

I work for a large Nationwide retailer primarily working the self-checkouts and this is a situation I wish I could say does not happen often when someone is buying clothes from the apparel department

Me. Do you want the hangers?
Customer. What?
Me. Do you want the hangers?
Customer still staring blankly.
Me. Do. You. Want. The. Hangers?

Seriously people do you think I’m going to ask you out for dinner as I’m popping security tags off your clothes

Unfiltered Story #293630

, , | Unfiltered | June 11, 2023

I was struggling with severe depression and my psychiatrist decided to send me for evaluation for possible inpatient care. During the evaluation at the hospital, about 20 different nurses came in to take blood, have me fill out documents and question me etc. All of them said the same thing: “you seem pretty lucid and coherent, I don’t know why you’re here.” (As in they didn’t think I met the criteria to be admitted). The admitting doctor only spoke to me for about five minutes, talked over me, talked down to me, interrupted me, and even suggested that I was lying. I told him that I was stressed primarily due to finances and feeling overwhelmed at university.

Doctor: So what do you study?

Me: Literature

Doctor: Ah, so you’re more a right-brain type. So, you’re very good with words? Us doctors and science-types are more left-brain, you know, good with numbers. We deal in facts and logic.

Me: ? (*thinking ‘why is this relevant’*)

Doctor: (after only having spoken to me for a few minutes and having talked over me most of the time): Well, I think we’re going to go ahead and admit you. You know, you’re very articulate and I think you have a way with words, but I think what you’re telling me is just the tip of the iceberg. (So, basically he was saying because I’m well-spoken I must be a liar?)

Me: What about work and school? I have finals coming up. I can’t miss those.

Doctor: We can notify your job and school.

Me: Sorry, but with all due respect, how does missing school and work help me? I told you that I’m stressed about finances; how does missing work help with that? I told you I’m stressed about school; how does missing my finals help with that? I would like a second opinion and I would like for you call my psychiatrist.

He stared at me blankly, clearly at a loss, and then agreed to call my doctor. After speaking to my doctor, he came in and said (rather sheepishly) that he had decided not to admit me after all. I think it’s also important to note here as well that this is overwhelmingly characteristic of most of the experiences that I have had with male doctors (especially in the mental health field) as a woman.

Unfiltered Story #293628

, | Unfiltered | June 11, 2023

I was driving my Volvo panzervagon through the newfallen snow, barley 3dm thick, knowingly that my wheels where not fitted for the road conditions, in an intersection the B21 engine had troubles with idling and went dead. Concentrating on bringing it alive i slowly drove forward whilst hearing the odd sound of an m-45 kpist (Swedish automatic gun) kapitakapitakapitakapita! and all of a sudden a car runs into my side. The guy driving the car is furious, it is a wreck. Mine did not move. His is a brand new Citroen. The sound is the automatic braking system not working in the snow. He immediately phones the police who arrives in minutes. “He!” points at me “drove into the intersection without looking.” “Is that true.” the police asks me.
“I was driving slowly because of the snow.” I was barley lying. The polices where examining the extended slid marks from the other car and the other cars wheels. (Not mine, I nearly fainted). then they said. “You are bot at fault, now clear the scene”. So I drove away, the Citroen did not. That my friends is why you all should have a Volvo panzervagon!

Unfiltered Story #293626

, , , | Unfiltered | June 11, 2023

I’m a bus driver, and I normally drink a lot of water in a shift, so I have a 1L quality metal drink bottle that keeps water cold. It doesn’t fit in the drink holder in the door of the drivers cabin of the buses, so I normally store it in my bag, with the top of the bag open so I can pull it out and put it back in.
One day, I was running late, so I left it sitting on top of the cash holder by accident and forgot it.
When I went to check lost property, neither the yardies, controllers or the receptionist said they’d seen it but would keep an eye out for it.
Fast forward a week later.
I’m starting my meal break at a meal room at a major bus and train station that I don’t normally have a break at, and I walk in to the meal room (that we share with two other bus companies) and, lo and behold, there’s my drink bottle, just sitting on a table.
So, the driver who got in the bus I left my drink bottle in, decided that it was a better idea to leave the bottle in a meal room that is shared by three bus companies, rather than hand it in to lost property before they even left the depot. These are the people I work with