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My Parents Threatened To Do This Monthly

, , | Right | July 16, 2008

(I worked at a sandwich place. The order area had a counter. A man walks in carrying his year-old-child, and sets the child on the counter.)

Man: “Do you guys take trades?”

This story is part of our Crazy Checkout Encounters roundup!

Read the next Crazy Checkout Encounters roundup story!

Read the Crazy Checkout Encounters roundup!

Not Quite Shuffled Off This Mortal Coil

, , | Right | July 15, 2008


Customer: “My mother is dying at [Hospital]. She is prearranged through you.”

Me: “I see her file right here, sir.”

(I talk about our funeral home’s services.)

Customer: “Now, could you go ahead and run her obituary tomorrow?”

Me: *confused* “I thought she hadn’t passed away yet.”

Customer: “She hasn’t, but I would like to go ahead and run the obituary.”

Me: “Sir, I’m afraid we can’t do that. We need to wait until she actually dies.”

Customer: *unhappy* “Well, if you say so.”

(The woman did not die for another eight days.)

Oh My, Aren’t We Sneaky Today

, , , | Right | July 8, 2008

(I’m working at a well-known Scandinavian furniture store. Our children’s supervised play area only allows ages 3 to 6. Parents need to fill in a form with the names of the children and the address…)

Customer: *writes down age 7*

Me: “Ma’am, I’m sorry, but only children from 3 until 6 are allowed to play in here.”

Customer: *makes a 6 out of the 7 and looks at me with a big smile*

Me: “…”

Mom In A Thong: Wrong

, , , , | Right | July 6, 2008

Me: “Ma’am, you’re not allowed to have non-service dogs in the store unless you’re holding them.”

Woman: “Oh, I know.”

Me: “Well… I am going to have to ask you to keep the dog in your arms while you’re shopping.”

Woman: “That’s fine. I just had to readjust my thong.”

Woman’s Young Daughter: “MOM!”

Woman: “What? I wanted him to know.”

This story is part of the Customers-Sharing-TMI roundup!

Read the next Customers-Sharing-TMI roundup story!

Read the Customers-Sharing-TMI roundup!

Why Context Is Important

, , , | Right | July 5, 2008

(The zoo sells these SpongeBob ice creams with gumball eyes. I overhear this mother telling her young son eating one outside one of the restaurants…)

Mom: “Oh look, honey, when you licked his balls you got stuff all over your face!”