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The customer is NOT always right!

The Power Of The Lanyard

| Right | November 4, 2014

(I am shopping at a popular punk/pop culture outfitter for some new shirts. I have recently moved onto a nearby college dorm and am wearing a lanyard with my keycard and keys on it that clearly have my school logo on them. I am also wearing a t-shirt referencing a popular rock band and an animated series and have a purple streak dyed in my hair. As I’m stepping out of the dressing room with several shirts, I am approached by two fellow customers.)

Customer #1: “Hi, is it okay if I try these clothes on after I buy them?”

Me: “…what?” *thinking she may be asking the employee nearby*

Customer #1: *looking me in the eye* “Yes, I want to try them on AFTER I purchase them.”

Me: *deer in headlights* “Uh… I guess there’s no harm in that.”

Customer #1: “Excellent, thank you!” *goes to pay*

(Immediately behind her, Customer #2 approaches me, having heard the entirety of our conversation.)

Customer #2: “Do you have dressing rooms?”

Me: “Yes…?” *points to the room I just exited*

(He leaves, and I turn to my friend.)

Me: “They both thought I worked here!”

Friend: *laughing* “Maybe you should apply here!”

(Considering the stupidity of those two customers, maybe I should NOT.)

Sadly That Is The Uniform Response

| Right | November 4, 2014

(I work for a company that supplies company clothes. I need something from a hardware store so I go there after work wearing my company’s clothes. The employees there are naturally wearing work clothes of this particular DIY store, of a different style and color to the work clothes I was wearing. Some customer there walks up to me.)

Customer: “Do you still have [item] in store? It doesn’t seem to be on the shelves.”

Me: “I really couldn’t tell.”

Customer: *immediately interrupting me* “Always the same. You people are really unhelpful. Never know anything and I guess you’re not even going to check, right?”

Me: *pointing at the logo on my shirt of a totally different company* “I don’t work here. I just happen to need something here.”

Customer: *slowly realising my clothes in no way resemble the clothes of the store employees* “Well! How am I supposed to know that you don’t work here?!”

Me: “Perhaps by seeing that my clothes are completely different from the employees here?”

Customer: “It’s your fault! I can’t be bothered with such things.”

This story is part of our “I Don’t Work Here” roundup!

Read the next roundup story!

Read the roundup!

This Conversation Has No Cardinal Directions

| Right | November 3, 2014

(In college, I worked for a large chain hotel that had several different locations, though each had a different title and some were owned by different companies. A customer calls me up for directions:)

Customer: “Can you tell me why I’m at the Hotel Safari, not the Hotel Lodge?”

Me: “I’m sorry, can you repeat that?”

Customer: “I got off my plane at the airport, and the guy at [Car Rental Company] told me to go here, and it’s not the right hotel!”

Me: “I apologize that happened to you. Can I give you directions to our hotel?”

Customer: “I want you to explain how you let this happen.”

Me: “I don’t… I don’t work for the car rental company. Someone sent you to the wrong hotel. I don’t know why they did that.”

Customer: “You could have called them to make sure they know where your f****** hotel is!”

Me: ” Would you like me to give you directions?”

(After going back and forth for a few minutes, he finally agrees to let me give him directions.)

Me: “So you’re still at the Hotel Safari, right?”

Customer: “No, I’m driving around looking for your f****** hotel.”

Me: “Can you tell me what street you’re on?”

Customer: “Did you listen to what I’m saying, buddy? I’m not from here. I don’t know the streets.”

Me: “Can you look at a street sign and tell me what it says?”

Customer: *tells me the street name*

Me: “Okay, I need you to go south, that will take you to the freeway on-ramp.”

Customer: “Buddy, I am not from here! How am I supposed to know which way that is?”

Me: “South is the same direction no matter what city you’re in.”

Customer: “That’s not true.”

(We argue about that, until I finally ask him where the setting sun is, on his right or on his left. We argue about the sun, too, until he tells me that it’s on his right.)

Me: “So the sun sets in the west. If the setting sun is on your right, that means you’re facing south, and I just need you to drive the same direction you’re on down that street, and get on the freeway.”

Customer: “Well how will I know where the freeway is?”

Me: “Uh…” *I pause, not knowing how to phrase this without sounding rude*

Customer: “Yeah, that’s a problem, isn’t it, buddy?”

Me: “No, I’m just wondering if you’ve ever seen a freeway before.”

(He insists that I stay on the phone with him and navigate him all the way to the hotel. Finally, he gets in the door, and is just as snippy as I ask him to fill out the guest information form and sign his name.)

Customer: “I didn’t mean to be rude with you, but you have to realize I’m not from here.”

Me: “I apologize. No one ever taught me how to give directions without using street names or cardinal directions.”

(He started to get angry, and then realized I have a point. He took his keys and went to his room, and I never heard from him again.)

Must Have Just Come From The Dark Side Of The Moon

| Right | November 3, 2014

(I am a customer in a store known for employees wearing uniforms of tan khakis and red polo shirts. I am shopping for just a birthday card when another customer comes up to me.)

Customer: “You! CLEARLY you are a manager here. I’m trying to find some printer paper. Can you help me?”

Me: *looks down at my blue jeans and Pink Floyd t-shirt* “Uh, actually I don’t work here, so I can’t help you.”

Customer: *gives me a blank stare*

Me: “I’m just looking for a card for my mother?” *shows him the cards I’m holding in my hand*

Customer: “Oh! That’s why you don’t have a shopping cart, because you don’t need one for something small like that!”

Me: “…yeah. Good luck finding what you need.”

(Don’t know why no shopping cart + rock band shirt = manager in his mind).

Even The Batcave Has A Woman’s Restroom

, , , , , | Right | November 3, 2014

(I’m the customer in this story. I am with my girlfriend and her sister checking out one of the many Halloween stores that just opened up. I have purple and blue hair, a snapback on, and facial piercings, and my arm is around my girlfriend’s shoulders. An older woman approaches me.)

Woman: *says something I don’t catch*

Me: “I’m sorry?”

Woman: “Women’s restroom?”

Me: “Uh, I don’t know. I don’t work here.”

Woman: *walks off*

(I didn’t realize until she left that she must have thought that the fact that I was wearing a lanyard meant I was working. It was a Batman lanyard with my girlfriend’s car keys on it.)

This story is part of our Halloween roundup!

Read the next Halloween roundup story!

Read the Halloween roundup!