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When Customers Show Signs Of Predictability

, , , , , , , , , | Right | May 26, 2024

Our convenience store is located in a part of the country where we legally have to ask for ID for every alcohol purchase, with no exceptions.

Most customers are fine with this, but a few don’t seem to understand that the minimum-wage checkout clerk isn’t the one making the rules here.

Me: “Can I see your ID real quick for those beers?”

Customer: “Are you kidding? I’m almost sixty!”

Me: “I know, it’s silly, isn’t it?”

Customer: Silly? It’s d*** inhumane is what it is! I should not need to show you my ID at my age to buy some g**d*** beer!”

Me: “Sadly, our government thinks otherwise.”

Customer: “And you just go along with it, huh? Like a nice little sheep?”

It is at this point of the conversation — and sadly, there are many “at this points” with these kinds of people — that I point to a sign that our manager has recently put up.

Sign #1: “Don’t be a d**k to the cashiers when they ask you for ID. They have to ask you for ID.”

Customer: “But I’m old enough to—”

Me: *Points to the next sign*

Sign #2: “We don’t care if you were around to see Adam and Eve show up. Everyone gets ID’d — no exceptions.”

Customer: “But why are you being such a b—”

Sign #3: “It’s not the cashier’s fault, so don’t take it out on them. Anyone that does so will get kicked out at said cashier’s discretion.”

Me: “Want to finish that sentence and let me use my ‘discretion’?”

He showed me his ID and scowled out with his beer.

Question of the Week

Have you ever served a bad customer who got what they deserved?

I have a story to share!