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Untouched and raw stories: unedited, uncensored, unformatted, and sometimes unbelievable!

Unfiltered Story #100105

, , | Unfiltered | November 14, 2017

Because our trash is mostly plastic bags and paper, we can easily just press it down to make room in the barrel for more. One of my coworkers regularly sticks his foot in the barrel to squash everything down completely, so one day I decide to do the same.

Manager: “Oh, you’re going to do like [Coworker] does?”

I press my foot into the barrel at the wrong angle, and when it comes back up, so does most of the trash, which spills on the floor.

Manager: “…that’s not how [Coworker] does it.”

Unfiltered Story #100006

, , | Unfiltered | November 14, 2017

(I have a slight addiction to milk. One weekend, I go to a convention for an online game. I make a friend, and we go out together while waiting for an event to start. I have gone without milk all day and I’m really craving some, so when we stop by a coffee shop, I ask if it’s possible to just get some milk.)

Barista: Sure!

(The barista goes to grab a cup, and then stops.)

Barista: Oh, wait, you probably don’t want the sixteen ounce.

Me: No, actually, that sounds good.

Barista: You sure?

Me: Yep.

(The barista shrugs, as if to say “It’s your money,” but gives me the milk in that size, and gives my friend her drink. We sit down and talk, and my milk is gone in less than two minutes.)

Friend: Holy crap, you weren’t kidding about that milk craving.

(She pauses for a moment, and then jokingly makes a suggestion. I’m feeling a bit silly and less shy than normal, so I decide to go along with it and bring the empty cup up to the counter.)

Me: *laughing so he knows I’m not serious* So my friend told me I should ask if I could get another cup for free since I drank this one so quickly.

(His eyebrows shoot up as he looks at the empty cup, and when he looks up at me, he almost seems impressed.)

Barista: You know what? Sure.

(I drank that milk at a much more reasonable pace.)

Unfiltered Story #100004

, | Unfiltered | November 14, 2017

(I’m 15 at the time in hospital after having surgery on both my knees for an ongoing issue of my kneecaps dislocating. At 15 I’m the oldest in the room. It’s around 2 am on my 2nd night and I’m having issues sleeping because my knees are hurting but not enough for me to ask for pain killers and also I’m not in my own bed. I spot my favourite nurse doing her rounds with 5 students nurses, shining her torch on the kids chest so the students can see their faces. She gets to my bed and I remain still.)

Nurse: “Ok, This is *my name* but prefers to be called *nickname*. She’s 15 and had Bilateral Patella Release done by Dr. *name*. She has only had mild pain so we haven’t really heard boo from her.”

(As they start to move away)

Me: “Boo” (A couple of the students giggle)

Nurse: “What the heck *my name*. You’re supposed to be sleeping, are you in pain?”

Me: “Nah but now you have heard a boo from me.”

Nurse (trying to sound stern while giggling): “Ok, miss smarty pants, try to get some sleep, I’ll see you later on”

(Happily later that morning I was given crutches so I could wander around the ward. 2 of the other kids and myself got told off several times for being a bit too rowdy. I was in the hospital for only 5 days. Unfortunately 22 years later I still have knee issues)

Unfiltered Story #100002

, | Unfiltered | November 14, 2017

I was browsing through a popular gaming store, looking for games for my new console when I hear a family talk to the employee

Dad: “does this *really popular new* console connect to the TV or is it just handheld?

Employee: “Uhm.. Well… I think so?”

Dad: “We have *other brand console* will it run this game?

Employee: ” I’m pretty sure it’s *brand* exclusive.. I think?”

At this point, the employee is looking visibly anxious and I, who am very familiar with the brand step in.
I answer all of their questions, small talk to the child about the game in question and other games about to be released.
The family happy leaves and the child promise to wish for one for their birthday. When I turn around I notice that the employee is looking at me with wide eyes and mouth open

Employee: “why don’t you work here already?”

Unfiltered Story #100000

| Unfiltered | November 14, 2017

I am a middle scholl teacher and one of my subject is guided reading. For this subject, our focus is to improve students’ reading levels and this sometimes involves having them in smaller groups. With our lower levels, we make these groups even smaller to ensure support. This one woman I work with, who manages scheduling, is nice at face value but I often get the feeling that she will try to pass off her responsibilities onto others.

This happens when one of my adapted students is supposed to receive one on one support with a worker he loves. She does not show, so I continue to class with him sitting in with one of the larger groups. He does well, but is disappoint his helper didn’t come and I’m worried he will get lost in the larger group setting. Afterwards, the woman and I talk about what to do.

Coworker: So I figured it out. (Student’s name) was supposed to be with (support worker name) and another student. However, that student moved and she is double booked elsewhere. However, I was watching him with you and he did quite well. How about we keep him with you?

Me: Um, I’m not sure that’s a good idea. I agree, he did well and I would love to have him, but his plans from last year clearly state is supposed to receive support for reading. If you’re helping me at this time, could he work a little bit with you and then join the class?

Coworker: Well the class is reading a book that is a universal level and the chapters are quite short. I think it’s perfect for him, plus his goal is to stay in the class. I’ll be there to help as well.

Me: If you think it will work, let’s try.

So he continues to stay with me and coworker come for the first 5 minutes, then leaves. A couple weeks later, his case manager and I are discussing his notes for an upcoming meeting.

Case Manager: …Okay, now that’s done, now onto reading. How is (student’s name) doing in his support group?

Me: (confused) Uh…what do you mean?

Caseworker: His guided reading group, how is that going with (support worker’s name)?

Me: Uh, he was supposed to be with that support worker. However, (co-worker’s name) said there was a scheduling conflict so he would stay with me.

Case Worker: …So he hasn’t been in a support group?

Me: No, (coworker’s name) had him stay with me.

Caseworker: …That is not what I was under the impression on.

Apparently, (coworker) had made it seem like the student would be with me UNTIL she found someone to take over. The other worker’s approved this, as long as she was there working with him. She made it seem like she was teaching him one on one, when in reality it was me who was teaching him in a large group setting.

I’m assuming she got a talking to, because she came up to me and tried to justify her actions, claiming we were on track, and that she had a plan. I just remained neutral but I was super mad that this kid lost out on some much needed support because she didn’t want to take owner ship.