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Backing Me Up Into A Corner Here

| Right | July 28, 2017

(I work in customer support for a website, and am on the phone with a customer.)

Customer: “I can’t find where you login.”

Me: “Are you at [website address]?”

Customer: “Yes.”

Me: “Okay, in the upper right-hand corner, there’s a big blue login button.”

Customer: “Which corner is that?”

Me: *thinking he hadn’t heard me* “The upper right-hand corner.”

Customer: “No, I heard you, but which one is that?”

Me: *face-palm* “Go to the top of the website…”

Customer: “Okay, got it.”

Me: “And now, move your mouse over to the right.”

Customer: “Oh! I see. Why didn’t you just say in the corner?”

The Wrong Kind Of Explorer

| Right | July 14, 2017

(My coworker and I are having a bad day after receiving lots of hard tasks. We get a call from a customer complaining about something wrong with his computer, so we tell him go to our office.)

Customer: “Hi, I talked with you on the phone about my Skype and Chrome not working and disappearing.”

Me: “Oh, yeah, let’s take a look.”

(At this point I’m going through his hard drive and checking downloads.)

Me: “I can’t see anything wrong with your Skype but I can’t see any trace of Chrome here.”

(Our boss comes in to check and I tell him the problem.)

Boss: “Are you sure that you had Chrome on the computer?”

Customer: “Yes, I used it yesterday before it disappeared.”

(I go and check through other browsers he has on his computer until I get to Explorer.)

Customer: “There it is! How did you find it?”

(It turned out that he never had Google Chrome, but used Explorer to go to Google.)

Laptop Flop, Part 22

, , | Learning | July 6, 2017

(I work for a K-12 school district as on-site technician. Most of my job is actually along the lines of dusting out overhead projectors and replacing their bulbs, and putting laptops back onto the network after the students decide to be lazy brats and use the old “computer doesn’t work” excuse — by making it not work. Given the teachers are usually so busy, I end up supporting their work laptops, too. I am kind of the laptop guru, somehow. Before the big district-wide teacher-laptop upgrade, I have a bunch of clunky ten-year-old Dells to support, a couple Gateways, too, and to say the least, they all have a lot of problems. One such laptop sticks out.)

Teacher: “My laptop keeps shutting itself down. This is not acceptable; I need it for the overhead. I’m lucky if it makes it through first period.”

Me: *turns laptop on, listens* “Sounds like your fan is in overdrive. I’ll dust it out.”

Teacher: “You think it has a lot of dust?”

Me: “These old things can get clogged up with dust and such very easily, and it will impede the function of the cooling fans at high densities, so if it’s been a while since it’s been dusted, it probably needs it.”

Teacher: “Last time was when [Teacher that left four years prior] had it.”

Me: “Yeah, that’s probably it, then. Should be good.”

(The next day…)

Teacher: “My laptop shut itself down again. It was really hot.”

Me: “Possible your laptop fan isn’t working at optimum level any more. I’ll swap it out with a new fan. You have lunch soon, right?”

Teacher: “In an hour.”

Me: “I’ll be down during lunch, then.”

(I go back down with a fan pulled from another old laptop that had already fried, and swap out the fan. Two days later…)

Teacher: “The laptop is really hot. I thought you fixed it?! This is not at all fixed, I can’t even touch it it’s so hot!”

Me: “I’ll come take a look again.”

(I got down there after school’s let out and fiddled with the laptop. The fan turned on and ran. I dusted it out again, and amid dusting it, I picked it up to get under the keyboard and into the inside. The screws for the keyboard were on the bottom. Underneath this laptop was a monstrous stack of letters and papers, envelopes, sheets of stickers… all, of course, extremely hot for paper, stacked high enough to have been squished against the bottom of the laptop. She never did figure out not to do that, despite my repeated warnings, and continued to block the in-flow vent on the bottom and burned through six laptop fans before I quit. My boss would not let me refuse to fix her fan if she continued to break it herself, so I had to keep swapping them out. Wonder how her new-model laptop she was due to get soon after I quit fared… On the bright side, job security?)


Time To Restart All Over

, , , | Working | July 1, 2017

(I spend nearly hour on a call where the user didn’t let me remotely connect to her computer. I’m really hoping that we will finish soon because I can take only some amount of repeating same things over and over.)

Me: “Now, please go to start menu and into search field type gpupdate. G for George, P for Peter, update all together.”

User: “It was ‘C’ for Charlie…”

Me: “No, ‘G’ for George, ‘P’ for Peter, update—”

User: “Hold on. Where should I put this?”

Me: “Search field in start menu.”

User: “Okay, I have it. What should I put in?”

Me: ‘G’ for George, ‘P’ for Peter, ‘U’ for uniform, ‘P’ for Peter, ‘D’ for David, ‘A’ for apple, ‘T’ for Thomas, ‘E’ for emperor—” *I use emperor because ‘echo’ is something nobody understand, same for foxtrot, I usually say ‘Frank’ or ‘family’*

User: “Oh, and what now?”

Me: “Hit enter please. You should see black box saying ‘updating policy.'”

User: “No, it shows restarting.”

Me: “How did you mistype ‘gpupdate’ to ‘shutdown space dash R’?”

They Have To Talk Through Every Meal

, , | Right | June 28, 2017

(I am calling an Internet tech support line, so there is plenty of down time while you reboot. I would have been more chatty but I wanted to see how it played out.)

Tech Support: “Have you had breakfast today?”

Me: “Not yet.”

Tech Support: “Well, you know it is the most important meal of the day.”

Me: “Okay.”

Tech Support: “Well, don’t forget.”

Me: *silence*

(He coughs uncontrollably.)

Tech Support: “You know I have this cold.”

Me: *even more awkward silence*

Tech Support: “My lungs are filling up. Do you have recommendations for a good cold medicine?”

Me: “Nyquil.”

Tech Support: “Why? What does it do?”

Me: “It helps you sleep.”

Tech Support: “Yeah, well, maybe I will call in sick tomorrow. So, it’s been five minutes. Has it rebooted?”

Me: “Yes, but it’s still not working.”

Tech Support: “Let’s try again and check in another five minutes.”

Me: *silence — is he kidding me?*

Tech Support: “Do you know of any other cold medicines?”

Me: “Alka-Seltzer cold. Listen, can you just send tech support out?”

Tech Support: “Sure. I was going to recommend that in a few more minutes. Will you have a good day?”

Me: “Yes, I will.”

Customer: “Well, I will try to get bett—”

Me: *hangs up, cutting him off*

(I figured his job got boring and he felt in the mood for a chat. Later, a friend who is in customer service said they aren’t allowed to be silent for a certain amount of time.)