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There Are Only So Many Tubes

, , , , | Working | May 10, 2012

(I’m an Network Admin and a few of my coworkers are less than computer-savvy.)

Coworker: “Hey [My Name], could you come here and look at my computer?”

Me: “Yeah, what’s up?”

Coworker: “The browser is going real slowly… I think I ran out of internet.”

Me: “What?”

Coworker: “Yeah, I think I’ve run out of internet.”

Me: “Okay, let me go back to the server room for a moment.”

(I renew his IP address. Sure enough, the computer works fine again.)

Coworker: “Oh, hey! It works!”

Me: “Yeah, I rerouted a little more internet to your computer. Just be a little more careful using this ’cause we don’t get more until next month.”

Coworker: “Okay, thanks!”

Consider Yourself Ameliorated

, | Working | May 7, 2012

(I work as an assistant. My boss tends to be really rude and always assumes he’s more intelligent than the people he’s talking to, but he usually isn’t. He also assumes I’m gay because he calls it a “lady job”, so I can’t wait to introduce him to my girlfriend at a company party.)

Boss: *shaking my girlfriend’s hand* “Oh, I thought [My Name] was gay.”

My Girlfriend: *trying to be polite* “If he is, that’s news to me!”

Boss: “Well, it’s good that you were able to fix him. After all, we don’t want people like that working here. And we’re all always improving and ameliorating our lives, aren’t we?”

My Girlfriend: “Those are synonyms, and I don’t think that their definitions are what you’re actually trying to say, but okay…”

Boss: *condescendingly* “Young lady, they are NOT synonyms.”

My Girlfriend: “To ameliorate something is to alter or change something for the better. So yes, they are. And, even if [My Name] was gay, who says that’s bad or in need of improvement? People are who they are, you know.”

Boss: *snidely* “It’s cute that you think you’re smart enough to compete, but—”

(At this moment, my boss’s boss approaches. He has apparently been listening in on the entire conversation.)

Boss’s Boss: *to my boss* “You’re fired. Clean out your office tomorrow.” *to me* “I have an opening for an executive assistant on my personal team that I’d like to offer you.” *to my girlfriend, shaking her hand* “It was lovely to meet you. I hope you can join us all for lunch sometime this week!”

(I found out later that my boss had had a few discrimination complaints filed against him over the years, and when his boss overheard what he was saying, he’d had enough. I did take that promotion, and my new boss, his wife, and my girlfriend and I all have lunch at least twice a week!)

Too Bad You Can’t Ctrl-X Coworkers

, , , , | Working | May 3, 2012

Coworker: “How do I print from this program?”

Me: “Ctrl-P.”

Coworker: “What? I do what?”

Me: “Press Ctrl-P.”

Coworker: “Where is that?”

Me: “Look at the bottom left-hand corner of your keyboard. Press Ctrl. Then press P.”

Coworker: “I’m looking. I can’t see a Ctrl-P button.”

Me: “No. It’s two buttons. Ctrl and P.”

Coworker: “Where’s P?!”

The Wall Of Somebodies

, , | Right | April 9, 2012

(I work at the front desk of an office. Note that we have pictures of our founder with celebrities on the wall. On this day, we have a guest waiting for one of our executives. He examines the celebrity pictures while he waits.)

Guest: “Who are these people? Are they former employees?”

Me: “No, they are celebrities.”

(The guest looks at the pictures, which include Whitney Houston, Clint Eastwood, and Al Gore.)

Guest: “Huh, I don’t think I’ve heard of them…”

Abbreviation Nation

, , , | Right | February 13, 2012

Me: “Okay, sir, and the bill-to address?”

Customer: “237 Ooh-sah Highway.”

Me: “Would you mind spelling the highway name for me?”

Customer: “It sounds exactly like it’s spelled.”

Me: “O-O-H-S-A?”

Customer: “What? No! Ooh-sah.”

Me: “I’m sorry, sir. Would you mind spelling it for me?”

Customer: “God. Fine. U-S-A. Ooo-sah!”

Me: “Do you mean US Highway [number]?”

Customer: “I know what road I live on! Ooh-sah!”