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Positive, feel-good stories

A One-Dollar Smile Is Priceless

, | Hopeless | October 9, 2016

I work at a coffee shop inside a box store. There is only two of us on duty at a time. My coworker has gone to the far back to fetch more cup lids, and I’m scrambling to hold down the bar. After getting through the main rush, I realize my hands are shaking and I’m having what I call a walking panic attack; my thoughts are just faster than normal rather than spiraling, but my body reacts the same. I take a few deep breaths to try and stay alert, and go to face the next customer.

After she orders her drink, I tell her the total and notice she switches the order of the bills she hands me. The top one has “Smile! It will get better” written on it.

When I hand her the drink, she has the biggest smile on which helps cheer me up, too. Thank you, random lady, for noticing I was down and helping me to feel happy again!

Hashtag Polite

, , | Hopeless | October 8, 2016

(As the bus pulls up to a stop, a group of five teenage boys are lining up to get off and each thanks the driver on their way out.)

Boy #1: “Thank you.”

Boy #2: “Thank you.”

Boy #3: “Thank you.”

Boy #4: “Thank you.”

Boy #5: “Hashtag thank you.”

Dressed For The Occasion

, , , , | Hopeless | October 7, 2016

I’m working at a women’s clothing store. We have a male cross-dresser who comes in once in a while. Some of my coworkers find it weird, but he’s always polite and sweet to us, so I will volunteer to help him, as our store’s goal is to make everyone look and feel beautiful.

One day he comes in looking for a new dress, as we’re having a big sale. I bring him some and offer my candid opinion on each of them, telling him what looks good or bad on his figure, which he seems extremely grateful for. The whole time he’s just so nice that I can’t help but smile.

Eventually I find him a discounted designer dress that fits perfectly and looks amazing. He buys it, gushing about how happy he is with my pick.

A month later he comes back to the store and specifically asks for me. He tells me how he wore it while in NYC and got so many compliments and how he thought of me the whole time. He asks if there’s a number he can call to give me a review. I direct him to the online survey, and he gives me a great big hug, thanking me again.

A few days later my boss shows me the great review he’d sent corporate, which went towards getting me a raise. It may not have been much, and I’ve moved on to a new job since, but I still think fondly of that customer and how much it must have meant to him to have someone willing to help him without being patronizing or rude.

It just shows that no matter a person’s gender, style, or body type, you should always do your best to help a person look and feel beautiful.

A Fair Degree Of Encouragement

, , | Hopeless | October 6, 2016

(I have put in my two weeks’ notice, as I am transferring colleges. My coworkers aren’t exactly supportive of this decision, as they think “no one needs a degree.” I am working a register when another coworker runs up to me…)

Coworker: “YOU RESIGNED?!”

Me: “Yup.

Coworker: “WHY?!”

Me: “Well, I’m transferring to [College], as they have a better program for the degree I want to get—”

Coworker: “You don’t need a degree! [Grocery Store] is a great company to work for, and they don’t require a degree!”

Me: “See, that’s the thing. I don’t want to work here forever.”

Coworker: “It’s a steady job! You’re not even guaranteed to find a job after you graduate! You’re crazy to throw this away.” *walks away*

(I roll my eyes and sigh, as I’ve had similar conversations with multiple coworkers in the last week. An older gentleman walks up to my register.)

Customer: “I couldn’t help overhearing. You are transferring to [College]?”

Me: “Yes, I am!”

Customer: “I graduated from there. So did my kids. You’ve made a good choice. You won’t have any problems finding a job after graduation.”

Me: “Thank you, sir!”

Customer: *leans in and whispers* “Don’t worry about what other people think. At the end of the day, you get to leave.” *shakes my hand* “Good luck, young lady.” *walks out*

(Two years later, I graduated with honors. I found employment in my degree field just a couple months after graduating. Thank you, nameless customer, for taking time out of your day to give me some encouragement.)

That Joke Landed On Its Smelly Feet

, , , | Hopeless | October 5, 2016

(I am with my mum driving along, and we decide to pull up to a pop-up flower shop just along the side of the road. While waiting for my mum, I see an elderly man going back and forth from the flower stand to put flowers in his car. A lot of flowers. He has stuffed his car to the brim. On his way back to the flower stand he decides to knock on my window. I thought he might need help, so I opened the door to say hello. Bear in mind I am a constantly-bored 17-year-old and am not in the best of moods.)

Me: “Hi there, are you all right?”

Man: “Why do giraffes have long necks?”

Me: “I don’t know; why do they have long necks?”

Man: “Well, because they’ve got smelly feet!”

(And even though these were proper grandad jokes, they made me laugh out loud. He proceeded to tell me a few more that are equally ridiculous. He didn’t need to, but he decided that he wanted to cheer up a random teenager he didn’t know, and for that I’m grateful! Thank you, old man!)