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Positive, feel-good stories

Giving Her And The Table Something To Stand On

, , , | Hopeless | October 1, 2016

My mom has recently bought a new dining table and chairs, so she needs to get rid of her old one. I post an ad on a second-hands website to give it away for free, since it’s a quite old table, but in very good condition.

I quickly receive a reaction to the ad and we settle a date for the people to come and get the table. I also arrange for my husband to come at her place ASAP after his work to fix her new table.

My mom has recently been diagnosed with cancer and is in the middle of her treatment which shows by her wearing a headkerchief to cover her loss of hair, and she is not able to help lift the table since she has a PEG tube.

In the afternoon I receive a message from her:

“Those people were so nice! They immediately told me not to worry about lifting the table, and they even fixed my new one!”

This is something which made her very happy since she loves colouring and stuff, so she really needs a table.

It was a small gesture from those people, total strangers to my mom, but it really made me happy they did that!

Giving Her And The Table Something To Stand On

, , , | Hopeless | October 1, 2016

My mom has recently bought a new dining table and chairs, so she needs to get rid of her old one. I post an ad on a second-hands website to give it away for free, since it’s a quite old table, but in very good condition.

I quickly receive a reaction to the ad and we settle a date for the people to come and get the table. I also arrange for my husband to come at her place ASAP after his work to fix her new table.

My mom has recently been diagnosed with cancer and is in the middle of her treatment which shows by her wearing a headkerchief to cover her loss of hair, and she is not able to help lift the table since she has a PEG tube.

In the afternoon I receive a message from her:

“Those people were so nice! They immediately told me not to worry about lifting the table, and they even fixed my new one!”

This is something which made her very happy since she loves colouring and stuff, so she really needs a table.

It was a small gesture from those people, total strangers to my mom, but it really made me happy they did that!

Bringing The Shine To ‘Come Rain Or Shine’

, , | Hopeless | September 30, 2016

(I decide to take my 21-month-old daughter with me to the post office to mail a package. It had been raining but it has stopped and the sun is shining, leaving me to believe that it is clear. We get down there and I realize not only did I lose my money, but that it is pouring outside.)

Me: “Oh, man… I… I have no choice. I have to go. The post office is closing.”

(I cover my daughter, and head out, thinking I can cross the road, avoid getting splashed, and perhaps find my money, but the vehicles just won’t stop coming. I’m near tears, thinking that I failed today as a mother as I am getting dirty looks for having my baby out in the rain, despite the fact she’s having a blast and laughing.)

Me: “I’m sorry, [Daughter], I really am…”

Daughter: “Mama?”

(I start walking, thinking I’m hearing my daughter make her usual noises when a lady runs up to me.)

Lady: “Hey, now! I’ve been calling for you.”

Me: “I-I’m sorry, I thought it was her. Can I help you?”

Lady: “No, but I can help you. My car is on the other side of the post office. Where do you live?”

Me: *I point to the apartment building* “Right there. Why?”

Lady: “Get your baby and get in the car. I’ll put the stroller and package in the back. You shouldn’t have to walk in the rain with a baby. I’m shocked no one has offered yet!”

Me: “Are you sure? I have no car-seat with me.”

Lady: “I’m sure. It’s better than her getting soaked and sick, or you! Come on now, dear.”

(She brought us home, and even carried the stroller and package inside. Lady, I know I said it more than once, but thank you, so, so, SO much. My daughter is dry and is currently watching her favorite show and snuggling her blanket.)

Driving Home The Kindness, Part 9

, , | Hopeless | September 29, 2016

(The late shift at our call center ends at 10 pm, but it’s policy that you have to stay on the line till exactly 10. If a customer calls at 9:59 and the call takes half an hour… your bad luck. That’s just what happens to me, and the issue with the customer’s Internet IS complicated. We talk for about forty minutes, until:)

Me: “See, finally! I’m glad we could solve this and— ah, s***.”

Customer: “What’s wrong?”

Me: *realising I just swore at a customer, totally embarrassed* “Oh, dear, ma’am, I’m so sorry. That was not aimed at you; you’ve been really polite. I just realised I missed the last train, is all. It’ll be fine.”

Customer: “Oh, let me guess. I made you stay longer, didn’t I.”

Me: “Ma’am, seriously, it’s fine. That’s my job. I’ll live.”

Customer: “Absolutely not! What city are you in?”

(This ISP’s tech support that call centers in various places.)

Me: “Uh, I’m in [City], but why…?”

Customer: “I knew it. It’s the accent. Well, that’s my city and if you give me the name of your train station, I’ll come and pick you up. This is all my fault.”

Me: *by now convinced she’s joking* “Hah, it’s [Station] and I’m the guy with the green mohawk. Seriously, ma’am, don’t bother.”

(She promised to be there in ten minutes. She ended the call, I left for the long trek home, and for a laugh decided to check out the train station, since it was on the way. Sure enough — she was waiting for me and drove me across the city to where I lived! I’m not sure if this lady realised that I left a note in her file so whenever she called, everyone would be bending over backwards trying to grant her every wish. Kindness goes a long way with call center agents!)


I’ll Drink To That!

, , | Hopeless | September 28, 2016

(I lost both my job and my girlfriend some time ago. I really couldn’t handle the double loss, and quickly turned to alcohol to soothe the pain, just like no-one should ever do. This escalates to full alcoholism very quickly and before I know it, my life consists of drinking at home and only leaving the flat to go to the store to pick up some more booze. I lose all of my existing social contacts as a consequence. This happens around noon, when I am terribly hungover. The doorbell rings.)

Stranger: “Hello, I represent… Oh, my, you look terrible.”

Me: “Yeah.”

Stranger: “Can I help?”

Me: “Probably not.”

Stranger: “Try me.”

(In my horrible hungover state I am unable to stand anymore and silently retreat back to my bed, and take a sip of the opened wine bottle next to it. The stranger slowly follows me.)

Stranger: “Are you okay? Is it okay if I come in?”

Me: “Knock yourself out. I don’t really care.”

(He follows me to my bedroom.)

Stranger: “Can I bring you some water or something?”

Me: “Sure, but bring a plastic bowl as well, in case I can’t keep it down.”

(He brings me water and the bowl and we start chatting. Well, as much as I am able to. I tell him how I’m going through a rough patch and don’t really see a way out of it. He listens keenly and acts sympathetic. Before I know, it’s been several hours.)

Me: “Hey, thanks for listening, but surely you have somewhere to be? I’m not actually even sure why you are here in the first place. You don’t need to listen to my pathetic whining.”

Stranger: “It doesn’t matter why I’m here. I’m here, and I am in no hurry to be anywhere else. Just open up as much as you wish to.”

(I eventually fall asleep, but it should be noted that I didn’t drink much that night, just maybe half a bottle of wine. When I wake up the stranger is still there.)

Me: “Sorry, but this is kinda creepy now.”

Stranger: “Oh, I’m sorry, I didn’t mean it. I just wanted to make sure you were ok. And did you notice you didn’t need to drink a lot yesterday?”

(I am surprised by that fact, but eventually start getting some withdrawal symptoms, such as rapid heartbeat, shortness of breath, and dizziness. The stranger still continues to stay by my bed. At this point he’s been there for more than 24 hours. He orders some pizza for us. This is the first solid food I’ve had in days. I try to sleep, but every time I “fall asleep,” my breathing stops, and I wake up rather violently with a feeling of falling down. He is still by my bed. At some point he must have slept on the sofa, but somehow every time I come to, he’s close by. This continues for three whole days! During which I don’t take a sip of alcohol. I am starting to get over the worst withdrawal symptoms, which I guess were not as bad as in some extreme cases. Finally I ask him:)

Me: “So, why did you come to my door in the first place?”

Stranger: “Don’t worry about it.”

(And that was it. I never asked about it again, and he never told me. Eventually I was in good enough shape for him to leave me by myself. I didn’t feel the need to drink anymore, and I didn’t. He came back to see me a couple of times, but when he felt his work was done, he disappeared. At the moment I have been sober for two months, and I have been getting back in touch with some of my friends and family. I never found out who the guy was or why he was on my doorstep. But I assume he might have been a member of a religious group, based on his actions and the fact that he could just stay with me for so many days, willy-nilly. If that’s the case, kudos to him for not throwing his beliefs in my face. I would have sent him away and gone back to my awful habits. I still can’t believe someone would take care of a complete stranger, obviously not in a very good condition, for three straight days!)