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Oh, Crystal Meth

, , | Right | January 6, 2008

(I’m checking out another patron’s books. Suddenly, a customer screams and points at me, in the process elbowing another patron out of the way.)


Me: “Um, I’m sorry, ma’am, I’m helping someone right now….”

Library Patron: “You let it get all FATTY on the top!”

Me: “…I’m sorry?”

(The library patron begins to cry.)

Me: “Why are you crying?”

Library Patron: “I don’t know, cuz dads are microwaving their kids and s***!”

Me: “…”

Perhaps A Little Bit Too Free

, , , | Right | December 29, 2007

(A woman walks in totally nude and grabs a muffin. She has a large, rather offensive tattoo from her bottom rib up her neck.)

Me: “Ma’am, you can’t just take those…”

Nudist: “Why, because of the tattoo?”

Me: “No, because you need to pay for it first.”

Nudist: “It’s a free country!” *walks out*

(I ended up pulling out my wallet and paying for it myself because getting arrested for chasing a nude chick down the street is not worth it.)

This story is part of our Nudity roundup!

Read the next Nudity roundup story!

Read the Nudity roundup!

This story is part of the Peculiar Customers roundup!

Read the next Peculiar Customers roundup story!

Read the Peculiar Customers roundup!

Dude, That Must Be Some Strong Weed

, , | Right | December 15, 2007

(It is the early 1970s. I make a key for a guy who lost his car keys in the mall parking lot.)

Me: “Well, that will be $10.00 for the key and labor, but another key will be only 79 cents.”

Customer: “Ah, no, man, I need my money to get my weed.”

(A week later, same deal. I have to go out in the rain and make the same guy another key.)

Me: “Well, I’m sure that now you will get an extra key?”

Customer: “Ah, no, man, I need my money to get my weed.”

(I could spot a trend, so I made another key anyway and hung it up in the shop. Over the next six months he was back a dozen times. Each time I just copied the key hanging in the shop and charged him for the lock-work and the key. He never bought a second key. I guess the weed finally got him.)

Next On Eyewitness News: The Jigsaw Puzzle Slave Trade

, , , | Right | December 4, 2007

(I work in an uppity part of town where the e-shoppers come out of their yuppie caves to shop.)

Customer: “Excuse me, but I have a question.”

Me: “How may I help you?”

Customer: *points at a popular movie puzzle with a picture of a child playing with said puzzle* “Is the kid on the box part of this puzzle?”

Me: “Um…what?”

Customer: “Well, if the kid is part of the puzzle, I don’t want it. He has nothing to do with this movie.”

(At this point I turned around and walked to the back room where she couldn’t get me.)

This story is part of the “Customers Who Don’t Know How The World Works” roundup!

Read the next roundup story!

Read the roundup!

Lowest Common Denominator

, , | Right | December 2, 2007

Customer: “I’d like a Chicken Kiev pizza, without chicken, garlic or sweetcorn. And throw some ham on there.”

Employee: “So, you want a ham pizza?”

Customer: “Yeah, why not.”