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The customer is NOT always right!

Three Cents Of Nonsense

, , | Right | February 7, 2008

Me: “Thank you for calling guest relations. This is [My Name] speaking, how can I help you?”

Customer: “Yes, you guys overcharged me and I will accept nothing short of a full refund. This is ridiculous.”

Me: “I’d be more than happy to help. Do you have your confirmation number?”

Customer: “Yes. It’s [number].”

Me: “Great. One moment, please.”

(I look at their reservation history.)

Me: “Okay, sir. So I’m showing you have a reservation arriving tonight. One king bed, non-smoking, booked at a rate of $1297.66. What were you quoted?”

Customer: “I was quoted a rate of $1297.63.”

Me: “So you were misquoted by three cents?”

Customer: “Yes. And I demand the rate I was quoted be honored.”

Me: “But it’s three cents…”

Customer: “You d*** corporations! WHY ARE YOU RIPPING ME OFF!?”

This story is part of the Cheapskate Customers roundup!

Read the next roundup story!

Read the roundup!

A Rose By Any Other Name, Part 2

, | Right | February 6, 2008

Customer: “Do you serve boneless wings?”

Me: “Yes, ma’am, we do.”

Customer: “Okay, then that’s what I’d like to order.”

(I bring the customer her meal.)

Customer: “Here are your boneless wings, ma’am. Enjoy.”

Customer: “This isn’t what I ordered.”

Me: “These are the boneless wings your ordered ma’am.”

Customer: “No, these are chicken tenders. I want boneless wings.”

Me: “Ma’am, boneless wings are basically chicken tenders.”

Customer: “No, I want chicken wings with no bones!”

Me: “Yeah… those don’t exist.”

Yeah, And I’d Like A Unicorn

, , | Right | February 6, 2008

(Customer walks onto the lot looking for a car.)

Me: “Can I help you find something?”

Customer: “Yeah, I am looking for a cheap car that will go forever on a tank of gas and will last forever, so I don’t have to take it for any tune-ups.”

Me: “Me too. In fact, let me know when you find it, and I’ll make a better offer on it!”

This story is part of the “Customers Who Don’t Know How The World Works” roundup!

Read the next roundup story!

Read the roundup!

And Whose Fault Is That?

, , | Right | February 6, 2008

Me: “Welcome to [Magazine]. How can I help you?

Customer: “Hi, we just got a bill for an ad in your fall issue and I thought we had already paid and our contract was over.”

Me: “Let me get the insertion order.”

(I get the order.)

Me: “It says here you’ve signed up for a full-year contract, including our fall and winter issues.”

Customer: “But we’re not even open in the fall or the winter.”

Me: “But you signed for the contract.”

Customer: “Well, I didn’t read what I was signing…”

This story is part of the Very Wrong Customers roundup!

Read the next Very Wrong Customers roundup story!

Read the Very Wrong Customers roundup!

Sorry, Mom And Dad

, | Right | February 6, 2008

Regular: “Hey, I have a question.”

Me: “Okay, what can I help you with.”

Regular: “Do y’all have homeless people come in here often?”

(Indicates couple reading newspaper in the corner. I can’t see their faces.)

Me: “Umm, no. Why?”

Regular: “Oh, they just came in sat down like they wanted no one to see them and took your newspaper.”

Me: “Well I can’t ask them to leave unless they are bothering you. Do you want me to ask them for the newspaper? I can since they aren’t paying cust–”

Regular: “Oh no, I was just wondering if homeless people came in here often.”

(I look back to the corner again and I can see their faces now.)

Me: “Um, sir, those are my parents.”

(He did not come back for about six months.)