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The Twilight Of Our Listening Skills

| Working | January 30, 2013

My Dad: “Two tickets for the Hobbit at 2:00.”

Cashier:Twilight doesn’t start until 7:45.”

My Dad: “…What?”

Cashier:Twilight doesn’t start until 7:45.”

(There is a brief pause where we look at her in confusion before she seems to clue in.)

Cashier: “…What movie did you want to see?”

My Dad:The Hobbit.”

Cashier: “…And at what time?”

My Dad: “2:00.”

(We pay for our tickets and head towards the concession counter.)

My Dad: “And they wonder why machines are taking their jobs!”

Long Distance Talking In The Twilight Hours

| Romantic | January 21, 2013

(My long distance boyfriend and I are talking on Skype. He asks me if I would break up with him if he turned into a Zombie. Then he brings up other questions…)

Boyfriend: “Would you break up with me if I was a Vampire?”

Me: “Only if you sparkled.”

The Twilight Of Our Literacy, Part 12

| Right | November 18, 2012

(I am at the local library, checking out Bram Stoker’s Dracula. A teenage girl barges up to the desk with the entire Twilight collection in her arms.)

Me: “Hey, I was checking—”

Girl: *completely ignoring me* “I would like to check these out!”

Librarian: “Please wait in line, miss.”

Girl: “Are you refusing me service?”

Librarian: “No, ma’am. How can I help you?”

Girl: “I really love these books! This is, like, the fifth time I’ve read them!”

Librarian: “Perhaps I could interest you in other vampire related materials?”

Girl: “Oh, my god! There’s more?”

(I’m really angry at this point and interject, since the girl is oblivious to the fact she cut in front of me.)

Me: “Yes, there are. However, no other book that has anything to do with vampires is as loaded with useless Mary Sues as that mountain of garbage you oh so adore.”

Girl: *completely clueless* “What do you mean? These books are great!”

Me: *points at cover of Dracula’* “This guy is a vampire.”

Girl: “No he’s not! He’s way too ugly!”

Me: “Yes, he is a vampire. Vampires, as they should be, are hideous predators that only seek to feed on humanity. The so called vegetarianism’ that is present in Twilight offers no sustenance to a vampire. Also, when they go out in the daylight, they burn, not take a bath in a vat of rhinestones.”

Librarian: “He does have a point there.”

Girl: “That’s disgusting! Who would want a vampire like that?”

(She storms out of the library with the Magnum Opus of snowflakes in her book bag.)


In The Twilight Of Their Youth, Part 3

| Related | August 11, 2012

(I have been a nanny for a family for several years. I am only about five years older than the kids, so I am more of a big sister than a nanny. I am having a conversation took with the youngest, an eleven-year-old girl. We are talking about good an bad role models in entertainment.)

Girl: “Yeah, my friend is totally obsessed with that Edison guy. She got a towel he used and she carries it with her all the time.”

Me: “Wait, do you mean Edward?”

Girl: “Whatever. He’s stupid either way.”

(I was so proud.)


The Twilight Of Our Literacy, Part 11

, , , | Right | August 7, 2012

(I am a customer at a bookstore. I’m browsing the teen literature section to see what all the hype is over the Twilight series. A nearby customer sees me paging through one of the books and speaks up excitedly.)

Girl: “I love Twilight!”

Me: “Oh, are you interested in vampire stories?”

Girl: “Absolutely! I love anything to do with vampires! I know about all there is to know about them!”

Me: “You must be a big Bram Stoker fan, then.”

Girl: *quizzical look* “Who is that?”

Me: *puts Twilight down quickly*