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The Twilight Of Our Literacy, Part 13

| Right | April 17, 2013

(An older customer approaches me. I’m in the demographic the ‘Twilight Saga’ is marketed towards.)

Customer: “Have you seen that movie all the girls your age are excited about?”

Me: “I’m sorry?”

Customer: “That big movie, Eclipse I think?”

Me: “Oh, I never got into Twilight.”

Customer: “Good! Read some real books, and hope they get made into movies that are actually good!”


In The Twilight Of Their Youth, Part 5

| Related | April 9, 2013

(I am American and speak English with my nine-year-old daughter. She has asked me to teach her the Star Spangled Banner.)

Me: *singing* “What so proudly we hailed at the twilight’s last gleaming.”

Daughter: “This is really hard. I don’t understand what half of the words mean!”

Me: “Do you know what ‘twilight’ means?”

Daughter: “Vampires?”


In The Twilight Of Their Youth, Part 4

| Related | March 27, 2013

(My dad is on the phone with my aunt. They get on to the subject of vampire movies. I’m sitting on the couch, reading.)

Dad: “What? Twilight? No, the girls don’t like it.”

(Dad turns his attention to me.)

Dad: “Your aunt wants to know why you and your sister don’t like Twilight.”

(I stare for a few seconds, then speak loud enough for my aunt to hear.)

Me: “Is she serious? Meyer’s writing is atrocious, her characters are totally unlikeable and unbelievable. ‘Ed-tard’ is a stalker who is also an emotionally abusive jerk. Bella is a b**** who is completely oblivious to things that happen to her own body; such as not realizing when she has stopped breathing. Would she like for me to go on?”

Dad: “No, she says that’s enough.”


The Twilight Of Our Youth, Part 6

| Romantic | March 4, 2013

Boyfriend: “So… I have something to tell you and I’m afraid it’s going to upset you.”

Me: “What?”

Boyfriend: “Well… while you were at work, something happened.”

Me: “What happened?!”

Boyfriend: “I was channel surfing and I wound up watching the last forty minutes of Twilight.”

Me: *mock rage* “Oh, my God! Did you like it?!”

Boyfriend: *hanging his head in shame* “Yes.”


It’s Still Better Than Twilight

| Related | February 24, 2013

(It’s the first time that my dad and his side of the family are going to meet my new boyfriend.)

Me: “Dad, this is [boyfriend], [boyfriend], my dad.”

Dad: “G’Day there, Nosferatu.”

(My jaw drops and my boyfriend raises his eyebrows. A Nosferatu is a vampire, but not the pretty kind; the horribly disfigured, exuding repulsion kind.)

Boyfriend: “Um… what?”

Dad: “Nosferatu! Like the vampire.”

Me: “Yeah… we know..”

(I drag my boyfriend away to meet the safer members of my family and later tell my mum what my dad had said.)

Mum: “Did he seriously say that?!”

Me: “Yeah. Was he just thinking Dracula or something??”

Mum: “He’s never seen, nor read Dracula. What he does know is the old 1920s Nosferatu movie. He genuinely meant the hideous and repulsive one. I can’t believe he said that.”

Boyfriend: “Yeah, I’m trying to find a nice way he could have intended that, but I really can’t.”

Me: *looking my boyfriend over critically* “You don’t even look like a Nosferatu.”

Boyfriend: “…Thanks?”