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You Know THAT’S Not How You Get Pregnant, Right?

, , , , , , , | Right | January 24, 2024

A woman comes in with THAT stereotypical haircut. I have to hold back laughter when she also says:

Customer: “I want to speak to the manager!”

I fetch her, and this woman slams a pregnancy test onto the counter. A USED pregnancy test.

Customer: “You sold this to my daughter! My sixteen-year-old daughter!”

An agonizing amount of silence follows.

Manager: “Okay, ma’am. Is there a question, or a request?”

Customer: “Well… what do you have to say for yourself?!”

Manager: *Looking at the result of the pregnancy test* “First, I want to say congratulations! Secondly, I want to say don’t put objects that have come into contact with urine onto our work counters.”

Customer: “That’s not the f****** point! You shouldn’t be selling these things to minors! They’ll think they can go out and do whatever they want and then they can come here to fix the consequences of their actions!”

Manager: “So… your daughter doesn’t deserve to know if she’s pregnant or not?”

Customer: “My daughter wouldn’t have got herself pregnant in the first place if she knew she could just come here and pee on a stick!”

Manager: “Ma’am, I am sorry if I am misunderstanding, but what exactly are you asking of me here?”

Customer: “Don’t sell these things to my daughter! She’s pregnant now because of you!”

Manager: “Ma’am, did no one tell you? It’s something else entirely that made her pregnant; I can explain if you l—”

Customer: “F*** you! F*** all of you!”

She screams and storms out.

Manager: *To me, in a sing-song voice* “Looks like Mommy is gonna put a restraining order on Grandmaaaaa!”

Question of the Week

Have you ever served a bad customer who got what they deserved?

I have a story to share!