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We Haven’t The Faintest Idea Why She Became A Nurse

, , , , , , , , | Healthy | December 11, 2023

I have to get health checks including blood tests twice a year because I’m underweight for an unknown reason. Unfortunately, I’ve always had a problem with fainting/feeling woozy after getting blood drawn, especially, but not limited to when I’m not allowed to drink anything but water before. The main problem is that it’s often very delayed; I may have already waited half an hour to stabilize my circulation and I feel fine, but after walking a few steps, I’ll start fainting.

I turned eighteen recently, so I’ve changed doctors from my pediatrician to one for adults, and it’s my first time there.

Nurse #1: *After the checkup* “Let’s get your blood drawn now. Which arm do you want?” 

Me: “Left. May I please lie down for a few minutes afterward? I don’t want to faint.”

Nurse #1: “Gosh, are you afraid of needles? Dear, you should look away, then!”

Me: “No, no. I just have a tendency to faint after getting my blood drawn.”

Nurse #1: “Why?”

Me: “I don’t know. It just happens.”

Nurse #1: “Okay, then I’ll draw your blood and bring you a little bit of water and snacks, okay? You can lay down then.”

I thank her. She draws some blood, brings me snacks, helps me lay down, and tells me to just take time until I feel fine. About ten minutes later, another nurse comes in.

Nurse #2: “Are you fine already? I need this room. You can’t laze around all day.”

Me: “Um, but the other nurse told me—”

Nurse #2: “I know what she told you. You’ve taken enough time; you’re young and healthy and you look fine! Stand up!”

I’m reluctant to leave because looking and feeling fine doesn’t mean I won’t faint. Still, I don’t want to argue the first time I’m at this office, and I convince myself that I should make it to the waiting room if I happen to feel dizzy.

I walk out of the room and start walking toward the waiting room where my stuff is.

Nurse #2: “See? You’re totally fine!”

Whenever I faint, it happens slowly and I can feel it happening. I’m only a few metres away from the waiting room when I start losing control and feeling in my legs and arms. I look around, but nobody seems to be there. Then, I start getting black spots in my vision. From observations by other people, I know that at this point I’ve gone from already pale to paper white, but I’m still standing.

Stranger: “Oh, hun, are you all right? Do you need to lay down?” 

I only hear this person’s voice because I can barely see.

Me: “Chair. Chair.”

She half-carries me to a chair and sits me down. I can see again after a few seconds.

Stranger: “Hang on. I’ll get the nurse!”

She leaves and returns with [Nurse #1].

Nurse #1: “Why didn’t you just stay in the room if you weren’t feeling well yet? It’s absolutely no problem if you take your time!”

Me: *Seeing black spots again* “Should lay down.”

[Nurse #1] helps me lie down across several chairs.

Nurse #1: “Of course, dear. Better?”

Me: “Yes, thanks. Sorry, it’s just that I can’t tell if I will faint or not. I guess I’ll bring some food next time.”

Nurse #1: “That’s a good idea! Also, call for me next time, so in case you don’t, I’ll be there. Okay? Why did you take such a short time in the first place?”

Me: “Erm, another nurse needed the room, so I left.”

Nurse #1: *Looking angry* “Well, just rest. I’ll be back soon to check in you.”

When she came back, she told me that [Nurse #2] would be reprimanded and wouldn’t be there when I was there. Meanwhile, “Stranger” brought me water and a bit more to eat and chatted with me, telling me about herself. It turned out that she had seen me going pale through the glass doors of the office and missed her own appointment with another doctor in the same building (with ridiculously long waiting times) to take care of a complete stranger.

The next time I went there, [Nurse #2] had been fired for another incident and the stranger had been hired as a nurse!

Question of the Week

Have you ever served a bad customer who got what they deserved?

I have a story to share!