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Being Fashionable Is Kids’ Play

, , | Right | May 28, 2009

Customer: “What kind of sunglasses are these?”

Me: “Those are Ray-Ban, but they’re children’s glasses.”

Customer: “I really like this one.”

Me: “Again, those are children’s glasses. I can help you find a similar style for adults.”

Customer: *pointing to the same pair of glasses* “Can I try these on?”

Me: “Well, they are children’s glasses, but you are more than welcome to try them on.”

Customer: *tries on the glasses* “These are really small!”

Eternal Persistence Is The Price Of Coffee Or Tea

, , | Right | May 7, 2009

Customer: “Excuse me, can I get some coffee?”

Me: “Sure, decaf or regular?”

Customer: “Oh! Sugar, too, please!”

Me: “Not a problem. Decaf or regular?”

Customer: “None of that sweet and low stuff. Real sugar!”

Me: “Yes, sir. Decaf or regular?”

Customer: “Oh, and milk, too!”

Me: “Absolutely. Decaf or regular?”

Customer: “But not skim, or whole, or 2%. You got any half and half?”

Me: “Yes, sir.”

Customer: “Good!”

Me: “Right. Coffee with sugar and half and half. Do you want decaf or regular?”

Customer: “Make sure there’s not too much milk. Gotta be a bit strong.”

Me: “Right. Decaf or regular?”

Customer: “Oh, and lots of sugar! I like it sweet… but not too much milk!”

Me: “Decaf or regular?”

Customer: “Oh, bring out some extra sugar, would you? Just in case.”

Me: *gives up* “Okay, one decaf coffee, half and half, extra sugar?”

Customer: “No, REGULAR! Geez, I swear… people just don’t pay attention anymore!”

What You See Is What You Can’t Comprehend

, , | Right | May 4, 2009

(The hotel was hosting a conference. At lunchtime, I was serving at the dessert table which had a variety of different desserts and a large fruit bowl with a pineapple as the centerpiece.)

Man: “Is that pineapple real?”

Me: “Huh? Oh, yes it is. We put it there just as decoration, but I could get the chef to cut it up for you if you’d like.”

Man: “No, I just wondered… How about those apples, are they real?”

Me: “Yes they are; all the fruit is real. Actually, we aren’t allowed to use fake fruit in decorating here anymore.”

Man: “Really? Why not?”

Me: “Because people kept trying to eat them and hurt their mouths.”

Man: “You’re joking! How could they not tell the difference?”

Me: “I… don’t know, sir. Did you want any dessert?”

Man: “Um… are the strawberries real?”

Me: “Yes, sir.”

Man: “Hmm, they look pretty real. I’ll have some of those.”

Common Sense Is Not That High-Reaching…

, , , | Right | April 28, 2009

(This was during a first-stage fire alarm in the hotel, which was already verified to be a false alarm.)

Guest: *completely oblivious to the fire alarm* “The elevators aren’t working properly!”

Me: “The elevators won’t work during a fire alarm, but we already know it’s a false alarm. It will take us about 5 minutes to reset the elevator doors. If you need to get to your room right now the stairs are just outside those doors.” *pointing*

Guest: “Why won’t they work? I don’t get it.”

Me: “In a real emergency such as a fire, it is unsafe for anyone to use the elevators. I assure you it’s a pretty standard procedure. If you need to get up right away I can show you the stairs.”

Guest: “Well, that’s just unsafe! What do the people trapped on the upper floors do?! HOW DO THEY GET DOWN DURING A FIRE?!”

Nearby Guest: *patiently waiting for the elevator to be re-set* “They use the same stairs you were told to use!”

Guest: “Well, I’m not from the city, I don’t know these things!”

Raising The Next Always Right Generation

, , , | Right | April 27, 2009

(This is at a soup shop where we offer samples.)

Customer: “Hi. Can I try the soup?”

Me: “Sure, but be careful; it’s very hot.”

(She proceeds to sip it without grabbing a spoon which is in her line of sight.)

Customer: “OW! That is really hot!”

(She hands it to her six-year-old son who proceeds to do the same thing she just did.)

Child: “That burned my tongue!”

Customer: “You should warn people that your soup is hot!”

Me: “Would you buy the soup if it was cold?”

Customer: “Absolutely not.”

This story is part of our Even More Dangerous Parent’s roundup!

Read the next Even More Dangerous Parent’s roundup story!

Read the Even More Dangerous Parent’s roundup!