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Procuring Pills Can Be A Pain, But There Are Promising Prospects!

, , , , , , , | Healthy | November 5, 2023

My wife and I were driving from our home in Houston, Texas to Oklahoma City; my wife had business there. It’s roughly a seven-hour trip by car, and we realized around Dallas (roughly the halfway point) that we’d both left stuff behind in Houston — including my prescription medications. I had two major chain pharmacies’ apps on my phone, so I checked both of them to see which one had a twenty-four-hour pharmacy; by the time we made it to OKC, it’d be well after most normal pharmacies would be closed.

I found a [Pharmacy], went in, explained the issue to the pharmacist, and told him the literal number of pills I needed just to get me through the next three days. He tried to get a hold of my mail-order pharmacy to approve it, but at that time of night, their office was closed. He ended up telling me:

Pharmacist: “Here’s what we’re gonna do. I’m gonna give you the exact number of pills you need to get through the next three days. Tomorrow morning, I’m gonna email the mail-order pharmacy and tell them what happened. The next time you get your actual refill, they’re gonna short you the number of pills I just gave you, but you’re gonna pay the same amount you always pay since that’s easier than me trying to figure out how to charge you for this very small number of pills. Fair?”

I agreed it was, so that’s what he did.

The next time I emailed the mail-order place for an official refill, when they sent me my refills, they also sent a note explaining that they’d shorted the pills by the amount the OKC pharmacy had given me. No harm, no foul, everyone was on the same page, my pills did get paid for properly, and all was well.

Question of the Week

Have you ever served a bad customer who got what they deserved?

I have a story to share!