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A Witch With The Itch To Be As Sweet As Candy

, , , , , , , | Friendly | October 31, 2023

My friend and I are long past the acceptable age for trick-or-treating, but we live near a housing development that always goes all-out for Halloween, so we dress up and walk around admiring the elaborate decorations and costumes. Every so often, we come across an unmanned candy bowl and help ourselves to one piece each.

At one point, we end up walking behind two adults and a young girl dressed as a witch. The girl spots an unguarded bowl across the street and runs over to it, and we head in the same direction. She reaches the bowl and then turns back with a sigh.

Girl: “It’s empty, guys.”

Me: “Oh, darn.”

Friend: “Thank you for telling us.”

Girl: “You can have some of my candy!”

Me: “Oh, no, that’s okay! Thank you, though.”

Girl: “It’s fine! I have tons of it.”

She gives my friend a big handful of candy and then skips back to her parents. While my friend and I are verklempt over how freaking adorable that was, the girl runs over to another unmanned bowl and turns back to call to us.


We made out like bandits that night thanks to that sweet little girl. I hope her parents know that they’re raising her right!

Question of the Week

Have you ever served a bad customer who got what they deserved?

I have a story to share!