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That’s Not How One Earns One’s Wings

, , , , | Right | May 23, 2024

I work at a wing place where our hottest flavor wing requires a signed waiver if you order it. I have a HIGH tolerance for spice, and I won’t even taste-test these wings because I can smell the intensity.

A group of twelve men have just been seated.

Customer #1: “I wanna try those crazy hot wings!”

Me: “Okay, but first, I have to say that these are not enjoyable. You have to sign a waiver. If you’re ordering them because you like spicy food, then get the regular spicy wings instead. Trust me; I have an extremely high tolerance for spice, and these are a nightmare. Honestly, they’re only on the menu as a marketing gimmick, but no one should ever really order them.”

He actually listens and starts to order something different when the guy next to him decides he knows better.

Customer #2: “I’m not going to let some chick talk you out of ordering ‘spicy’ wings. Get the wings, dude.”

Of course, he falls to peer pressure and orders the super spicy wings.

Me: “When you’re in pain, just remember the ‘chick’ who tried to help you. Also, no refunds.”

He got through half a wing… and was in pain for the next hour. I also charged for every glass of milk he ordered.

Question of the Week

Have you ever served a bad customer who got what they deserved?

I have a story to share!