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Why Nerds Need To Monitor The Situation

, , , , , | Right | May 27, 2023

I used to do tech support at home for our clients during my IT studies. It gave me hundreds of amusing stories about misconceptions about how computer work, but this one will forever stand out.

I was sent to install a new computer which typically meant transferring data from the old computer to an external hard drive, the cloud, a thumb drive, or whatever, and transferring it back after the new computer was installed.

I rang the doorbell, and a woman in her forties invited me in. She took me into the living room and pointed out her computer desk where a brand-spanking-new computer tower was already placed on the floor. 

Me: “Oh, great, I see you’ve unboxed your new computer already. That’s convenient.” 

I looked around for the old computer, but there were a bunch of disconnected wires lying around, and no other tower was to be seen. Also, the monitor wasn’t an all-in-one computer where all the computer parts were integrated into the back of the monitor.

Me: “I understood that you wanted your data and programs moved from the old to the new computer, correct? Can you point me to the old computer so we can reconnect it?”

Customer: “Oh, that’s not necessary. I’ve already taken care of moving my data! I’m a bit of a nerd, but I still managed to do it.” 

For some reason, dozens of my customers used the word “nerd” as someone who was actually inept at computers and tech.

Me: “Oh, wow. That’s great and will save a lot of time. But I see that you disconnected your computer after that?”

Customer: “No? It hasn’t been connected yet. Why else would I call you?” 

Me: “I don’t think I understand. You’ve mentioned that you migrated your data from your old computer to your new one, but you haven’t connected your new computer yet?”

Customer: “No, it’s not on the new computer yet. I just put it on the desktop.”

Me: “Oh, okay… Do you mean the desktop of your old or your new computer?” 

Customer: “…what do you mean? I didn’t replace my monitor.”

Me: “Can you tell me step by step what you did to move your data?”

Customer: “Okay, sure. I only bought that computer tower, because I needed a faster computer. But I didn’t need a new monitor, so I moved all my data to the desktop. So, can you please connect the new computer for me now? I don’t understand all those funny colors and wires because I’m a nerd with these things.”

Me: “Do you expect that if we connect your monitor to your new computer, all your data will be there on your desktop?”

Customer: “Exactly! Guess I’m not such a nerd after all, huh?!”

I think we are in agreement on that.

Question of the Week

Have you ever served a bad customer who got what they deserved?

I have a story to share!