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What Would You Do If You Found A Random Package In Your Car?

, , , , | Working | February 8, 2021

I submitted this story about the trouble I had with a certain delivery company.

I have had trouble with delivery companies for many years. I can’t even count the number of complaints I have filed over the years. They don’t like to drive down my long driveway in the rural area I live in, so they keep leaving my packages on a neighbor’s front porch. My packages always come back from her house smelling terrible.

Our local postal carrier is also guilty of leaving packages at her house. After NUMEROUS complaints spanning several years and begging them to just leave an official slip letting me know I have a package waiting for me at the post office, I finally get them to understand the problem… or so I think.

One day, I get a notice that a package has been dropped off in the green car next to my mailbox. I go up to the post office and demand to speak to the postmaster.

Postmaster: *In a nice way* “Oh, you again. Here to pick up a package?”

Me: “I wish. Your carrier left this note in my mailbox that they left the package in a green car parked next to my mailbox.”

Postmaster: “Oh, that was probably so you wouldn’t have to drive all the way down here. I guess it was lucky you left your car unlocked.”

I speak louder and with more anger in my voice than I probably should.

Me: “I don’t own a green car.” *Pause* “As a matter of fact, I don’t know anyone who does own a green car. I have no idea who was even parked up on the main road next to my mailbox and the other mailboxes there.”

There are a few seconds of silence.

Postmaster: “Oh, umm… Yes, I see. That… that is not good, is it? I… Well, of course, we will replace the package, and—”

Me: “You can’t. It was a collector’s item I got off of eBay. But you sure as heck will refund the money I spent and have a little talk with the mail carrier. Grant you, this is a rural community and we tend to be laxer about certain things, but I can’t see how opening the doors of random cars is legal.”

The postmaster apologized again, and afterward, they held my packages down at the post office and left official pickup notices in my mailbox.

You Passed The Smell Test

Question of the Week

Have you ever served a bad customer who got what they deserved?

I have a story to share!