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The Holidays Are Hard

, , , , , , | Right | CREDIT: wyattkelly | December 22, 2022

The holidays are stressful. I get that. Even without the supply chain issues that have been happening all over the world, getting that perfect gift for your loved ones can be difficult. We’ve all heard the songs about trying to fight the crowds, about obnoxious relatives, about the frenzy of getting that latest hot toy so one can look on proudly on Christmas morning as your kids tear through the wrapping paper like a pack of consumer-driven wolves. Sometimes, though, a little patience and a kind word can soothe the insanity.

That’s how I found myself yesterday. I have the day off from my retail job, I have already done my shopping and wrapping, and I decide to treat myself to a movie. Our local theater closed during the health crisis, so the only option is about twenty minutes away in one of those preplanned shopping “villages”. Along with the movie theater, there are restaurants, retail establishments, and a good-sized bookstore.

I have some time to kill before my show, so I’m at this bookstore, dodging the mad rush of people trying to get those last-minute purchases. I’m in the history section, seeing if there are any good World War II books I don’t have, and I notice that one of the tables is just a mess. I start straightening it up, sorting the books, and helping my fellow retail employees.

I’m wearing a wool coat, a flat cap, and a mask — nothing that makes me look like I work there — but since I’ve made the “mistake” of cleaning something, I’m now a target.

Woman: “HEY!”

I turn to have a smartphone shoved into my face, and my eyes cross.


Me: “Woah!”

I take a step back, and there’s a very anxious lady, gesticulating wildly with the phone.

Woman: “I need this! Now!

Me: “Slow down. What’s wrong?”

Woman: “I said, help me find this! Now!

She’s stressed out. She might look like a typical Entitled Jerk, but I don’t know her story.

Me: “I don’t work here. And before you say a word, I was straightening that table up because I felt like it. Now, let’s try this again. What are you looking for?”

Woman: “What do you mean, you don’t—”

I cut her off.

Me: “I mean exactly what I just said. I do not work here. But what are you looking for?”

She deflates and is on the verge of tears.

Woman: “I need this for my kids.”

She holds up her phone. On the screen is a board game, “Betrayal At House On The Hill”. Good game.

Woman: “And I can’t find it. My daughter just wants this, and I can’t find anything in this stupid—”

Me: “I know where that is. Take a moment. Breathe. It’s gonna be okay.”

She is just stressed to hell and back.

Woman: “I’m sorry, I’m sorry… I lost my Mom to that stupid illness, and she wouldn’t get the vaccine, and I couldn’t even go to the funeral…”

She’s trying not to sob as I guide her to the games. The spot for “Betrayal” is empty, but I find a copy in another spot before she has a meltdown.

Me: “Okay, here you go. Anything else here you need help with?”

She’s holding the box in her hands, fingers nearly crushing the edges.

Woman: *Squeaking* “Why did you help me? I’m such a b****.”

Me: “Because you needed help. Merry Christmas.”

She gave me a grateful smile and went to pay.

Question of the Week

Have you ever served a bad customer who got what they deserved?

I have a story to share!