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No Wonder Monica Gave Him The Wrong Number

, , , , , , , , | Friendly | November 15, 2023

Earlier this year, a friend of mine was getting harassing calls from a man. Apparently, a woman (let’s say her name was Monica) had given him her number when they met at a bar, so this man kept calling and asking for Monica. My friend is not Monica, nor is there a bar by that name anywhere near where she lives. No matter how many times my friend told him he had the wrong number, he refused to believe her. He was determined that she was Monica and that she was just playing hard to get. Eventually, he started getting nasty and made threats.

My friend reported it to the police, but they didn’t seem interested in doing anything and told her to just change her number. The problem was that this was my friend’s work phone. If she changed it, it was going to cost her a lot of money to reprint everything with that number on it — money she didn’t have. So, she tried blocking his number. He started calling with a withheld number. She blocked withheld numbers. He started calling with a different number each time. She blocked each one as they came, but this guy seemed to have an unlimited supply of numbers to keep calling her from.

This went on for months. I even tried taking a call from this guy and tellin him to stop, but he just laughed it off and redoubled his efforts. My friend was a nervous wreck, afraid to leave the house. Her business was starting to suffer. Enough was enough. So, I came up with a plan I dubbed “Operation: Let’s see how you like it!”

First, I signed his phone number up to every site asking for a number and every text subscription service I could find.

Next, I signed him up for quotes for all sorts of things, from a new roof to breast enlargement surgery. I also gave his number to as many shady sites as I could find.

Then, I created ads on various selling sites where I listed desirable items like game consoles, TVs, and new cars very cheaply and gave his name and number in the contact details.

Finally, I posted several romantic ads with a picture of an attractive woman and a profile that suggested she was desperate for someone to “satisfy” her. I listed his number as the contact.

Maybe he got the message, or maybe he was just too busy with constant phone calls and texts, but he soon stopped calling my friend. Either way, “Operation: Let’s see how you like it!” was a success.

Question of the Week

Have you ever served a bad customer who got what they deserved?

I have a story to share!